I am Associate Professor at the IT-University of Copenhagen in the research group Technologies in Practice" .

Recently, I had the honor to be elected chairman of the Danish Association for Science and Technology Studies

Since 2012 I have been heading the interdicisplinary MSc Programme in Digital Innovation & Management

Current Research

I am part of the research project Demtech (Trustworthy Democratic Technology) headed by Carsten Schurman, ITU and funded by The Danish Council for Strategic Research.

  • The expectations and hopes assoicated with digitalising elections.
  • The electoral process and the voting booth as technique and technology.
  • Disability and voting.


I was formerly involved in the research project Surveillance in Denmark (OvervÄgning i Danmark) which ended in 2013.


Currently I am researching computational thinking and other issues regarding expetations to digitalization at the itersection between STS, Informatics and anthropology


Former and currrent interests

My former and present research areas and interests include: Science & Technology Studies. (Post-)Actor-Network Theory. Lateral thinking. Ontological multiplicity and complexity. The promises, aspirations and challenges related to information technologies, digitalization and computational thinking in theory and practice. Ethnographic, virtual, micro-sociological, mixed, and non-foundationalist approaches. Democracy, elections and disability. Bureaucracy and organizational theory. Fisheries inspection & surveillance.

PhD work

I did my PhD on empirical philosophy, ontological work and multiplicity in fisheries inspection based on field work onboard the Danish fisheries inspection and rescue vessel Vestkysten (The West Coast). I examined technological scales, the role of documents in the bureaucratic practice of inspection, and the performance of situated surveillance and sailor culture.