Making Passwords Secret using One-way Functions
Passwords can be made secret using a one-way function.
We use the the cryptographic hash function MD5 (Rivest, 1992), also called a message digest.
It has the following four important properties:
- Given a string "somestring", it is easy (fast) to compute md5("somestring")
- Given md5("somestring"), it is effectively impossible to find "somestring".
- Given "somestring", it is effectively impossible to find "anotherstring" such that md5("somestring")=md5("anotherstring")
- Changing one bit of the input produces a very different output
md5("MyPass")= echo md5("MyPass"); ?>
md5("Homer")= echo md5("Homer"); ?>
md5("NyPass")= echo md5("NyPass"); ?>
Protecting the Password with MD5
We can now substitute the validation line with:
if ($PHP_AUTH_USER == "hilde" && md5($PHP_AUTH_PW); == "fb3f06c821388858cafe95cea24895d3") $auth = true;
The first point above ensures that the validation is fast.
The second point above ensures that it is effectively impossible to find the password from the script