However, they might be set by GET and POST data, if they are not set already. Use the function session_is_registered("pass")
instead of isset("pass")
The behaviour of PHP-sessions depends on a number of parameter settings in the configuration of PHP (defined in the php.ini file).
As usual, you can see the values by calling phpinfo();
session.cookie_lifetime: Lifetime of cookie in seconds. Value 0 (default) means until browser (all windows) is closed.
session.use_cookies: Whether to user cookies or URL parameters.
register_globals: If "On" you can register all global variables, and access the variables as usual, as in the example above.
If "Off", you can only use entries of the associative array $HTTP_SESSION_VARS
from PHP 4.1.0) as session variables, e.g. $HTTP_SESSION_VARS["pass"]
. These variables do not need to be registered and unregistered.
session.use_trans_sid: If true (1) the session Id is embedded automatically in the local URLs.
session.save_handler: Default set to "files". You can implement your own handler methods, e.g. to use a database - useful if sessions should work cross several web-servers.
You can change many of the configuration parameters for the duration
of a script using the ini_set()
function. The session parameters can also be changed using specialised
functions, e.g. session_set_cookie_params(int
lifetime [, string path [, string domain [, bool secure])