The following is a select list of my publications. For a full disclosure, see my DBLP page.
Jesper Bengtson, Jonas B. Jensen, Lars Birkedal:
Charge! - A framework for higher-order separation logic in Coq.
In proceedings of ITP2102: pages 315-331 [pdf]
Jesper Bengtson, Jonas Braband Jensen, Filip Sieczkowski, and Lars Birkedal:
Verifying Object-Oriented Programs with Higher-Order Separation Logic in Coq. In the proceedings of ITP 2011: pages 22-38 [pdf]
Jesper Bengtson, Magnus Johansson, Joachim Parrow, Björn Victor:
a framework for mobile processes with nominal data and logic. In
Logical Methods in Computer Science, volume 7, number 1, page 11 [pdf]
Jesper Bengtson, Céderic Fournet, Andrew D. Gordon,
Sergio Maffeis:
Refinement types for secure implementations. In
ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems, volume 33, number
2 [pdf]
Magnus Johansson, Jesper Bengtson, Joachim Parrow, and Björn Victor:
Weak equivalences in psi-calculi. In Proceedings of LICS 2010 pages 322-331 [pdf]
Jesper Bengtson and Joachim Parrow:
Psi-calculi in Isabelle. In Proceedings of TPHOLs 2009, pages 99-114 [pdf]
Jesper Bengtson and Joachim Parrow:
Formalising the pi-calculus using nominal logic. Logical Methods in Computer Science 5, 2:16, 2009 [pdf]
Jesper Bengtson and Joachim Parrow:
A completeness proof for bisimulation in the pi-calculus using Isabelle. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 192:1, pages 61-75 [pdf]
PhD thesis
Formalising process calculi [pdf]