Study group: code generation for embedded systems
The subject of this study group is code generation for embedded
systems from statecharts, parallel automata, or similar formalisms.
The focus is mostly on code size, and the tradeoff between size and
speed, rather than raw code speed as in most workstation code
generators. Topics of interest include: code generation from automata
and state charts, representation of automata and state charts, code
compaction (design of compact application-specified byte code),
shifting the boundary between interpretation and compilation,
analysing maximal transition time (minimal time between two external
events), etc.
The selection of papers and topics develops dynamically.
We usually meet Thursdays 13h at the IT-C in room 2.51.
- 7 February 2002: Peter Sestoft presents Jens Ernst, Willlam Evans,
Chris Fraser, Steven Lucco, Todd Proebsting: Code Compression. ACM
SIGPLAN'97 Conference on Programming Language Design and
- 14 February: Henrik Hulgaard presents Evans, Fraser: Bytecode
compression via Profiled Grammar Rewriting. 2001 ACM SIGPLAN
Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation.
- 21 February: Andrzej Wasowski presents a draft semantics for the
visualSTATE model of parallel state machines.
- 7 March: Andrzej Wasowski presents the visualSTATE model for
current code generation for non-hierarchical models.
- 14 March: Kåre Kristoffersen presents a design for visualSTATE
code generation for hierarchical models (developed by himself, Gerd
Behrmann, and Lars Iversen in 1999).
- 21 March: Henrik Hulgaard presents Stephen Edwards: Compiling
Esterel into Sequential Code. DAC 2000, Los Angeles, CA.
- 4 April: Peter Sestoft presents Chiodo et al: Synthesis of
software programs for embedded control applications. In 32nd Design
Automation Conference, pages 587-592, San Francisco, California, June
1995. The paper.
- 11 April: Andrzej Wasowski presents Jan Daciuk. Experiments with
Automata Compression. Springer-Verlag LNCS 2088, pp. 105-112, 2001.
(One may need to study the references for more detailed descriptions
of algorithms).
- 25 April: Kåre Kristoffersen presents Sekerinski and Zurob:
iState: A Statechart Translator, UML 2001. The paper.
- 2 May: Andrzej Wasowski presents Erpenbach, E.; Stroop, J.;
Rammig, F.J.: On the compilation of statecharts models into target
code for embedded systems. Computer Aided Control System Design,
1999. Proceedings of the 1999 IEEE International Symposium on ,
1999. Pages 249-254. Here's the paper.
- Upcoming topics:
- Michael Sperber, Peter Thiemann. Generation of LR Parsers by
Partial Evaluation. ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and
Systems, Vol. 22, No. 2, March 2000, pages 224-264. (Includes many
valuable references to further papers).
Peter Sestoft