Research Interests:
Circle of Life: Microworld Project at the end of CS1
(Sebastian Mateos Nicolajsen, Michael Caspersen, Claus Brabrand)
SIGCSE Technical Symposium, SIGCSE-TS 2025. (2025).
Programming Education across Disciplines: a Nationwide Study of Danish Higher Education
(Sebastian Mateos Nicolajsen, Sofie Kramshøi Nielsen, Louise Meier Carlsen, Claus Brabrand)
Higher Education. (2024).
Visualizing the Conceptual Framework of Object Orientation for Novice Programmers
(Jakob Staugaard, Jens Bennedsen, Christoph Seidl, Sebastian Nicolajsen, Mathias Fink, Claus Brabrand)
Proc. 54th Frontiers in Education Conference, FIE 2024. (2024).
Invisible Women in IT: Examining Gender Representation in K-12 ICT Teaching Materials
(Ingrid Maria Christensen, Melissa Høegh Marcher, Nanna Inie, Claus Brabrand)
ACM Conference on International Computing Education Research, ICER 2024.
Programming under the Influence: On the Effect of Heat, Noise, and Alcohol on Programmers
(Claus Brabrand, Nanna Inie, Paolo Tell)
Journal of Systems & Software 2024.
Feedback on Student Programming Exercises: Teaching Assistants vs Automated Assessment Tool
(Nynne Grauslund Kristiansen, Sebastian Mateos Nicolajsen, Claus Brabrand)
Proc. 22nd Koli Calling Int’l Conf on Computing Education Research, Koli Calling 2023. (2023).
Gender Differences in the Group Dynamics of Smaller CS1 Project Groups
(Bjørn Hjorth Westh, Nanna Inie, Louise Barkhuus, Claus Brabrand)
Proc. 53rd Frontiers in Education Conference, FIE 2023. (2023).
On the Effect of Onboarding Computing Students without Programming-Confidence or -Experience
(Pawel Grabarczyk, Sebastian Mateos Nicolajsen, Claus Brabrand)
Proc. 21st Koli Calling Int’l Conf on Computing Education Research, Koli Calling 2022. (2022).
Student Perspectives on On-site versus Online Teaching throughout the Covid-19 Pandemic
(Björn Thór Jónsson, Magda Pischetola, Nanna Inie, Mats Daniels, Claus Brabrand)
Proc. 52nd Frontiers in Education Conference, FIE 2022. (2022).
Computing Educational Programmes with more Women are more about PEOPLE & less about THINGS
(Pawel Grabarczyk, Alma Freiesleben, Amanda Bastrup, Claus Brabrand)
Proc. 27th ACM Conf. on Inno. & Tech. in Computer Science Education, ITiCSE. (2022).
Computing Educational Activities Involving People Rather Than Things Appeal More to Women (CS1 Appeal Perspective)
(Melissa Høegh Marcher, Ingrid Maria Christensen, Pawel Grabarczyk, Therese Graversen, Claus Brabrand)
ACM Conference on International Computing Education Research, ICER 2021: 145-156. (2021).
Computing Educational Activities Involving People Rather Than Things Appeal More to Women (Recruitment Perspective)
(Ingrid Maria Christensen, Melissa Høegh Marcher, Pawel Grabarczyk, Therese Graversen, Claus Brabrand)
ACM Conference on International Computing Education Research, ICER 2021: 127-144. (2021).
How Interaction Influences Academic Reading: A Comparison of Paper and Laptop
(Nanna Inie, Louise Barkhuus, Claus Brabrand)
Social Sciences & Humanities Open. 21pp. (2021).
Three +1 Perspectives on Computational Thinking
(Sebastian Mateos Nicolajsen, Magda Pischetola, Pawel Grabarczyk, Claus Brabrand)
Proc. 21st Koli Calling International Conference on Computing Education Research, Koli Calling 2021: 2:1-2:11. (2021).
Finding Suitable Variability Abstractions for Lifted Analysis
(Aleksandar S. Dimovski, Claus Brabrand, Andrzej Wasowski)
Formal Aspects of Computing 31(2): 231-259 (2019).
Variability Abstractions for Lifted Analyses
(Aleksandar S. Dimovski, Claus Brabrand, Andrzej Wasowski)
Science of Computer Programming, SCP. 159: 1-27 (2018).
Variability Bugs in Highly Configurable Systems: A Qualitative Analysis
(Iago Abal, Jean Melo, Stefan Stanciulescu, Claus Brabrand, Márcio Ribeiro, Andrzej Wasowski)
ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology, TOSEM. 26(3): 10:1-10:34 (2018).
Effective Analysis of C Programs by Rewriting Variability
(Alexandru Florin Iosif-Lazar, Jean Melo, Aleksandar S. Dimovski, Claus Brabrand, Andrzej Wasowski)
The Art, Science, and Engineering of Programming. 1(1): 1 (2017).
Efficient Family-Based Model Checking via Variability Abstractions
(Aleksandar S. Dimovski, Ahmad Salim Al-Sibahi, Claus Brabrand, Andrzej Wasowski)
International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer. 19(5): 585-603 (2017).
Variability through the Eyes of the Programmer
(Jean Melo, Fabricio Batista Narcizo, Dan Witzner Hansen, Claus Brabrand, Andrzej Wasowski)
Proc. of the 25th International Conference on Program Comprehension, ICPC 2017: 34-44. (2017).
Effective Bug Finding in C Programs with Shape and Effect Abstractions
(Iago Abal, Claus Brabrand, Andrzej Wasowski)
Proc. of the 18th International Conference on Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation, VMCAI 2017: 34-54. (2017).
Finding Suitable Variability Abstractions for Family-Based Analysis
(Aleksandar S. Dimovski, Claus Brabrand, Andrzej Wasowski)
Proc. of the 21st International Symposium on Formal Methods, FM 2016: 217-234. (2016).
How does the Degree of Variability affect Bug Finding?
(Jean Melo, Claus Brabrand, Andrzej Wasowski)
Proc. of the 38th International Conference on Software Engineering, ICSE 2016: 679-690. (2016).
A Quantitative Analysis of Variability Warnings in Linux
(Jean Melo, Elvis Flesborg, Claus Brabrand, Andrzej Wasowski)
Proc. 10th International Workshop on Variability Modelling of Software-intensive Systems, VaMoS 2016: 3-8. (2016).
Systematic Derivation of Correct Variability-Aware Program Analyses
(Jan Midtgaard, Aleksandar S. Dimovski, Claus Brabrand, Andrzej Wasowski)
Science of Computer Programming, SCP 105: 145-170 (2015).
Variability Abstractions: Trading Precision for Speed in Family-Based Analyses
(Aleksandar S. Dimovski, Claus Brabrand, Andrzej Wasowski)
29th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, ECOOP 2015: 247-270. (2015).
Family-Based Model Checking Without a Family-Based Model Checker
(Aleksandar S. Dimovski, Ahmad Salim Al-Sibahi, Claus Brabrand, Andrzej Wasowski)
22nd International Symposium on Model Checking Software, SPIN 2015: 282-299. (2015).
Family-Based Model Checking using Off-the-Shelf Model Checkers
(Aleksandar S. Dimovski, Ahmad Salim Al-Sibahi, Claus Brabrand, Andrzej Wasowski)
Proc. 19th International Conference on Software Product Line, Model Checking Software, SPLC: 397. (2015).
Emergent Interfaces for Feature Modularization
(Márcio Ribeiro, Paulo Borba, Claus Brabrand)
Springer Briefs in Computer Science, Springer 2014, ISBN 978-3-319-11492-7, pp. 1-84. (2014).
Preface to the Special Section on Language Descriptions, Tools, and Applications (LDTA 2011)
(Claus Brabrand, Eric Van Wyk)
Science of Computer Programming, SCP. 87: 1 (2014).
42 Variability Bugs in the Linux Kernel: A Qualitative Study
(Iago Abal, Claus Brabrand, Andrzej Wasowski)
Proc. 29th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE), pp. 421-432. (2014).
Systematic Derivation of Static Analyses for Software Product Lines
(Jan Midtgaard, Claus Brabrand, Andrzej Wasowski)
Proc. 13th International Conference on MODULARITY 2014, p. 181-192. (2014).
SPLLIFT: Statically Analyzing Software Product Lines in Minutes Instead of Years
(Eric Bodden, Tarsis Toledo, Marcio Ribeiro, Claus Brabrand, Paulo Borba, Mira Mezini)
Software Engineering 2014: 81-82. (2014).
Banana Algebra: Compositional Syntactic Language Extension
(Jacob Andersen, Claus Brabrand, David R. Christensen)
Science of Computer Programming, Vol. 78(10), p. 1845-1870, Elsevier. (2013).
SPLLIFT: Statically Analyzing Software Product Lines in Minutes Instead of Years
(Eric Bodden, Tarsis Toledo, Marcio Ribeiro, Claus Brabrand, Paulo Borba, Mira Mezini)
34th ACM Conf on Programming Language Design & Implementation (PLDI), p. 355-364. (2013).
Intraprocedural Dataflow Analysis for Software Product Lines
(Claus Brabrand, Márcio Ribeiro, Társis Tolêdo, Johnny Winter, Paulo Borba)
Transactions on Aspect-Oriented Software Development, TAOSD. Vol. 10, p. 73-108, Springer. (2013).
WebSelF: A Web Scraping Framework
(Jakob G. Thomsen, Erik Ernst, Claus Brabrand, Michael Schwartzbach)
Proc. International Conference on Web Engineering 2012 (ICWE 2012), p. 347-361. (2012).
Emergo: A Tool for Improving Maintainability of Preprocessor-based Product Lines
(Márcio Ribeiro, Társis Tolêdo, Johnni Winther, Claus Brabrand, Paulo Borba)
Proc. AOSD 2012 Demos. (2012).
Intraprocedural Dataflow Analysis for Software Product Lines
(Claus Brabrand, Márcio Ribeiro, Társis Tolêdo, Paulo Borba)
Proc. MODULARITY: AOSD 2012, p. 13-24. (2012).
On the Impact of Feature Dependencies when Maintaining Preprocessor-based Software Product Lines
(Márcio Ribeiro, Felipe Queiroz, Paulo Borba, Társis Tolêdo, Claus Brabrand, Sérgio Soares)
Proc. Generative Prog. & Component Eng. (GPCE), p. 23-32. (2011).
A Tool for Improving Maintainability of Preprocessor-based Product Lines
(Márcio Ribeiro, Társis Tolêdo, Paulo Borba, Claus Brabrand)
Proc. 2nd Brazilian Conference on Software: Theory and Practice (CBSoft). (2011).
Proceedings of the of the 11th Workshop on Language Descriptions, Tools and Applications, LDTA 2011
(Claus Brabrand, Eric Van Wyk)
Proceeding. ACM 2011, ISBN 978-1-4503-0665-2. (2011).
Syntactic Language Extension via an Algebra of Languages and Transformations
(Jacob Andersen, Claus Brabrand)
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 253(7): 19-35 (2010).
Analyzing Ambiguity of Context-Free Grammars
(Claus Brabrand, Robert Giegerich, Anders Møller)
Science of Computer Programming (SCP), Vol. 75(3), p. 176-191, Elsevier. (2010).
Typed and Unambiguous Pattern Matching on Strings using Regular Expressions
(Claus Brabrand, Jakob G. Thomsen)
In Proc. 12th International ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming (PPDP), p. 243-254. (2010).
Proceedings of the of the 10th Workshop on Language Descriptions, Tools and Applications, LDTA 2010
(Claus Brabrand, Pierre-Etienne Moreau)
Paphos, Cyprus, March 28-29, 2010. ACM 2010, ISBN 978-1-4503-0063-6. (2010).
Analyzing CS Competencies using the SOLO Taxonomy
(Claus Brabrand, Bettina Dahl)
Keynote for ITiCSE 2009. Proceedings of the 2009 ACM SIGCSE Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education (ITiCSE), Paris, France. (2009).
Syntactic Language Extension via an Algebra of Languages and Transformations
(Jacob Andersen, Claus Brabrand)
Proc. 9th Workshop on Language Descriptions, Tools, and Applications (LDTA), p. 67-85. (2009).
Using the SOLO Taxonomy to Analyze Competence Progression of University Science Curricula
(Claus Brabrand, Bettina Dahl)
Higher Education, Vol. 58(4), p. 531-549, Springer. (2009).
Constructive Alignment for Teaching Model-Based Design for Concurrency
(Claus Brabrand)
Transactions on Petri-Nets and Other Models of Concurrency (ToPNoC), Vol. 1(1), p. 1-18, Springer-Verlag. (2008).
Dual Syntax for XML Languages
(Claus Brabrand, Anders Møller, Michael Schwartzbach)
Information Systems, Vol. 33(4), p. 385-406, Elsevier. (2008).
Constructive Alignment and The SOLO Taxonomy: A Comparative Study of University Competencies in Computer Science vs. Mathematics
(Claus Brabrand, Bettina Dahl)
Conferences in Research and Practice in Information Technology, Vol. 88. (2008).
Constructive Alignment for Teaching Model-Based Design for Concurrency. Invited Paper for Invited Talk for TeaConc'07
(Claus Brabrand)
Proc. 2nd Workshop on Teaching Concurrency (TeaConc'07), Siedlce, Poland. (2007).
The metafront System: Safe and Extensible Parsing and Transformation
(Claus Brabrand, Michael I. Schwartzbach)
Science of Computer Programming 68(1): 2-20. (2007).
Constructive Alignment and The SOLO Taxonomy: A Comparative Study of University Competencies in Computer Science vs. Mathematics
(Claus Brabrand, Bettina Dahl)
Keynote paper for Keynote at Koli’07, Koli National Park, Finland. (2007).
Analyzing Ambiguity of Context-Free Grammars
(Claus Brabrand, Robert Giegerich, Anders Møller)
Proc. International Conference on Implementation and Application of Automata (CIAA), p. 214-225, LNCS 4783, Springer. (2007).
Teaching Teaching & Understanding Understanding. 19-minute award-winning educational short-film
(Claus Brabrand, Jacob Andersen, Doina Bucur, Rune Thorbek)
Aarhus University Press. DVD. Epilogue by John Biggs. (2006).
Dual Syntax for XML Languages
(Claus Brabrand, Anders Møller, Michael Schwartzbach)
Proc. 10th International Symposium on Database Programming Languages (DBPL), p.27-41, LNCS 3774, Springer. (2005).
The metafront System: Extensible Parsing and Transformation
(Claus Brabrand, Michael Schwartzbach, Mads Vanggaard)
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 82(3): 592-611. (2003).
The metafront System: Extensible Parsing and Transformation
(Claus Brabrand, Michael Schwartzbach, Mads Vanggaard)
Proc. 3rd Workshop on Language Descriptions, Tools, and Applications (LDTA), p. 67-85. (2003).
Domain Specific Languages for Interactive Web Services
(Claus Brabrand)
Ph.D. Dissertation, BRICS International Ph.D. School, Aarhus University. (2003).
The <bigwig> project
(Claus Brabrand, Anders Møller, Michael I. Schwartzbach)
ACM Transactions on Internet Technology 2(2): 79-114. (2002).
Language-Based Caching of Dynamically Generated HTML
(Claus Brabrand, Anders Møller, Steffan Olesen, Michael I. Schwartzbach)
World Wide Web 5(4): 305-324 (2002).
Growing Languages with Metamorphic Syntax Macros
(Claus Brabrand, Michael Schwartzbach)
Proc. ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Partial Evaluation and Semantics-Based Program Manipulation (PEPM), p. 31-40, ACM, Portland, OR, USA. (2002).
Static Validation of Dynamically Generated HTML
(Claus Brabrand, Anders Møller, Michael Schwartzbach)
Proc. ACM SIGPLAN-SIGSOFT Workshop on Program Analysis for Software Tools and Engineering (PASTE), p. 38-45, ACM, Snowbird, UT, USA. (2001).
PowerForms: Declarative Client-Side Form Field Validation
(Claus Brabrand, Anders Møller, Mikkel Ricky, Michael I. Schwartzbach)
World Wide Web 3(4): 205-214. (2000).
A Runtime System for Interactive Web Services
(Claus Brabrand, Anders Møller, Anders Sandholm, Michael I. Schwartzbach)
Journal of Computer Networks 31(11-16): 1391-1401. (1999).
A Runtime System for Interactive Web Services
(Claus Brabrand, Anders Møller, Anders Sandholm, Michael Schwartzbach)
Proc. 8th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW8), p. 313-323, Elsevier, Toronto, Canada. (1999).
Synthesizing Safety Controllers for Interactive Web Services
(Claus Brabrand)
Master’s Thesis, Aarhus University (1999).