Before the lockdown this spring, I invited colleagues in the ETHOS Lab to host a local node of the online conference Distribute2020, the biannual conference of the Society for Cultural Anthropology and Society for Visual Anthropology (US).
When the closure of our university in Denmark meant that we had to move this event online, it meant experimenting with streaming, time-zones and creating a sense of community at a distance. What is an online node of an online conference?
We wrote up a blogpost about the experience, inspired by Michelle Bastian’s blogposts about #flyingless conference design, as well as Anand Pandian and Abiral Bürge and Mac Skelton’s commentaries on Displace18, the earlier SCA online-by-design conference in 2018.
The post, co-authored with Marie Blønd, Caroline Salling, Ester Fritsch and Marisa Cohn, is on the ETHOS blog, Metadata.