Academic Drawing

Although I have long used drawing to help me write and take fieldnotes, building sentences from images, I hadn’t done it in reverse until the 2014 Technologies in Practice spring seminar, when I was asked to draw pictures of a workshop. In industry, it is apparently called “Visual Storytelling” (Intel).

Now, when people give a talk, I can draw, in real time, a version of their presentation. Here are some examples from presentations by Lucy Suchman on her Flatworlds project (2014), David Turnbull on “To talk of many things: of stories, string, ships and kin” (2015), Atsuro Morita on his water modelling software fieldwork (2016), and the UNIKE project closing conference (2017).

I enjoy visualising project workshops, and providing a thematic and anthropologically informed analysis from a viewpoint external to the project.

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Suchman 2014


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Universities in the Knowledge Economy Work Package 1, 2016


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David Turnbull, 2015


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Research Accountabilities Discussion, Technologies in Practice 2014


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Suchman 2015


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Pernille Bjørn TiP Day 2014