Java biosequence alignment applet
This applet demonstrates a prototype implementation of six algorithms
for pairwise alignment described in the book Durbin et al: Biological
Sequence Analysis, Cambridge University Press 1998, chapter 2. The
applet requires Netscape 4.06 or later, or MS Internet Explorer 5 or
The applet
Type in two amino acid sequences (using the alphabet
ARNDCQEGHILKMFPSTWYV) in the top-most two windows, then press the
E.g., try the example sequences HEAGAWGHEE and PAWHEAE from the
Note that Microsoft Windows suffers from a limitation: a browser
applet textfield can contain only approx. 50,000 characters; all
excess characters are discarded. This is not a limitation of this
program, of Java, or of Netscape.
Peter Sestoft ( 1999-09-27