// Example 112 from page 85 of Java Precisely second edition (The MIT Press 2005) // Author: Peter Sestoft (sestoft@itu.dk) import java.io.*; import java.util.*; /* This generic interface represents a function from A to R; in C# one would use a generic delegate instead. In MyLinkedList method equals(Object), the cast to MyList is unchecked and may fail at runtime. */ interface Mapper { R call(A x); } // A generic linked-list class with elements of type T interface MyList extends Iterable { int getCount(); // Number of elements T get(int i); // Get element at index i void set(int i, T item); // Set element at index i void add(T item); // Add element at end void insert(int i, T item); // Insert element at index i void removeAt(int i); // Remove element at index i MyList map(Mapper f); // Map f over all elements } class MyLinkedList implements MyList { protected int size; // Number of elements in the list protected Node first, last; // Invariant: first==null iff last==null protected static class Node { public Node prev, next; public U item; public Node(U item) { this.item = item; } public Node(U item, Node prev, Node next) { this.item = item; this.prev = prev; this.next = next; } } public MyLinkedList() { first = last = null; size = 0; } public MyLinkedList(T... arr) { this(); for (T x : arr) add(x); } public int getCount() { return size; } public T get(int i) { return getItem(i).item; } public void set(int i, T item) { getItem(i).item = item; } private Node getItem(int n) { if (n < 0 || n >= size) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(); else if (n < size/2) { // Closer to front Node node = first; for (int i=0; i node = last; for (int i=size-1; i>n; i--) node = node.prev; return node; } } public void add(T item) { insert(size, item); } public void insert(int i, T item) { if (i == 0) { if (first == null) // and thus last == null first = last = new Node(item); else { Node tmp = new Node(item, null, first); first.prev = tmp; first = tmp; } size++; } else if (i == size) { if (last == null) // and thus first = null first = last = new Node(item); else { Node tmp = new Node(item, last, null); last.next = tmp; last = tmp; } size++; } else { Node node = getItem(i); // assert node.prev != null; Node newnode = new Node(item, node.prev, node); node.prev.next = newnode; node.prev = newnode; size++; } } public void removeAt(int i) { Node node = getItem(i); if (node.prev == null) first = node.next; else node.prev.next = node.next; if (node.next == null) last = node.prev; else node.next.prev = node.prev; size--; } public boolean equals(Object that) { return equals((MyList)that); // Unchecked cast } public boolean equals(MyList that) { if (that != null && this.size == that.getCount()) { Node thisnode = this.first; Iterator thatiter = that.iterator(); while (thisnode != null) { if (!thatiter.hasNext()) throw new RuntimeException("Impossible: MyLinkedList.equals"); // assert next() will succeed (because of the above size test) if (!thisnode.item.equals(thatiter.next())) return false; thisnode = thisnode.next; } // assert !hasNext(); // because of the size test return true; } else return false; } public MyList map(Mapper f) { MyLinkedList res = new MyLinkedList(); for (T x : this) res.add(f.call(x)); return res; } public Iterator iterator() { return new MyLinkedListIterator(); } private class MyLinkedListIterator implements Iterator { Node next; // Node holding current element, or null public MyLinkedListIterator() { next = first; } public T next() { if (next != null) { T res = next.item; next = next.next; return res; } else throw new NoSuchElementException(); } public boolean hasNext() { return next != null; } public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } } } class SortedList> extends MyLinkedList { // Sorted insertion public void insert(T x) { Node node = first; while (node != null && x.compareTo(node.item) > 0) node = node.next; if (node == null) // x > all elements; insert at end add(x); else { // x <= node.item; insert before node Node newnode = new Node(x); if (node.prev == null) // insert as first element first = newnode; else node.prev.next = newnode; newnode.next = node; newnode.prev = node.prev; node.prev = newnode; } } } interface Printable { void print(PrintWriter fs); } class PrintableMyLinkedList extends MyLinkedList implements Printable { public void print(PrintWriter fs) { boolean firstElement = true; for (T x : this) { x.print(fs); if (firstElement) firstElement = false; else fs.print(", "); } } } class MyString implements Comparable { public final String s; public MyString(String s) { if (s == null) throw new RuntimeException("null string"); else this.s = s; } public int compareTo(MyString that) { return s.compareTo(that.s); } } class Example112 { public static void main(String[] args) { MyLinkedList dLst = new MyLinkedList(7.0, 9.0, 13.0, 0.0); for (double d : dLst) System.out.print(d + " "); System.out.println(); MyList iLst = dLst.map(new Mapper() { public Integer call(Double d) { return d < 0 ? -1 : d > 0 ? +1 : 0; } }); for (int i : iLst) System.out.print(i + " "); System.out.println(); MyList sLst = dLst.map(new Mapper() { public String call(Double d) { return "s" + d; } }); for (String s : sLst) System.out.print(s + " "); System.out.println(); // Testing SortedList SortedList sortedLst = new SortedList(); sortedLst.insert(new MyString("New York")); sortedLst.insert(new MyString("Rome")); sortedLst.insert(new MyString("Dublin")); sortedLst.insert(new MyString("Riyadh")); sortedLst.insert(new MyString("Tokyo")); for (MyString s : sortedLst) System.out.print(s.s + " "); System.out.println(); } }