
Access Control Lists

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A security realm contains users and/or groups plus their associated access control lists (ACL). The access control list for a user in a particular realm specifies the privileges that user is granted to access server resources. Resources include such things as files, directories, and servlets.

The Access Control Lists page allows you to add and delete access control lists, and to add or delete the users and groups they contain, for a given Realm. Access control lists let you control the users and groups and computers that access your web pages and other server resources.

The basic default permissions (if no user is granted any specific permissions) are:

To allow PUT or DELETE for a user in a given Realm, you must specifically create an Access Control List with that permission.

Note: To enforce access control, you must first enable it in the Network Setup page.


The Access Control page has two functions you can carry out. You can add and remove access control lists (ACLs) using the Add ACL/Remove ACL function, and you can add and remove permissions from access control lists using the Add Permission and Remove Permission buttons.

A realm is a database of users, groups, and access control lists. It is used to specify which users have access to the resources of a specific service (for example, the Web Page Service).

The JavaTM Web ServerTM uses the list of users in the database to identify the customers for the service. Users that are not included in the realm cannot be added to any access control list for the service. Users not on an access control list are generally denied the use of the service.

In some cases, a service does not require that its customers be in an access control list. For example, many web page (HTTP) services make their documents available to all users without requiring that they be registered in an ACL first.

Specific access control policies are applied to both users and groups in the database. For example, one user (or group) may be granted only GET permission to the service, and thus only be able to retrieve and read documents from it. Another user (or group), however, may be granted both GET and POST permissions, meaning that the user (or the members of the group) can add documents for display, as well as read them. Both users (or groups) are in the same realm, but the access control policies applied to them are different.

Note: Individual access control permissions take precedence over group settings. For example, if a user in a group has both GET and POST access, but the group has only GET access, the user is still able to do both GET and POST.

By assigning specific access settings to each user and each group, you can control precisely how the resources of a service are used, and by whom.

The Java Web Server has the following security realms:

Note: On the UNIX realm, it is not possible to add a user through the Java Web Server. The UNIX realm is controlled through the DNS database and users must be added through that mechanism.

Note: To access NT realms, the server has to be run as Administrator and special rights ("Act as part of operating system") have to be granted to the Administrators group. To do this:

  1. Go to the Programs -> Administrative Tools -> UserManager for domains panel.
  2. Click on Policies -> User Rights.
  3. Select the "Show Advanced User Rights" checkbox.
  4. Enable "Act as part of operating system" rights for the administrator.

Access Control Lists (ACLs)
Lists the names of the access control lists associated with the realm that is being displayed. Each access control list has defined users and groups, and defined permissions that pertain to each of those users and groups. The access control list for the Realm controls who has access to that realm on the Java Web Server.


To Display the ACLs in a Realm:

Using Add ACL/Remove ACL

To Create an Access Control List:

  1. Select the realm under which you want to create the access control list.
  2. Click Add. This displays the Add ACL box.
  3. Enter the name of the access control list.
  4. Click Add ACL.

Note: In the servletMgrRealm, permissions are only recognized if they are set in the servletACL. The Java Web Server does not recognize permissions for servlets if they are set in a newly created ACL.

To Remove an Access Control List:

  1. Select the realm under which you want to remove the access control list.
  2. Click Remove ACL. This displays the Remove ACL box and asks if you want to remove the ACL.
  3. Click Yes.

To Add a User, Group, or Computer

To Add a User, Group, or Computer to an Access Control List:
  1. Select the realm that contains the access control list.
  2. Add the user to the Realm using the Users page Add command.
  3. Return to the Access Control Lists page.
  4. Select the access control list to which you want to add an entry.
  5. Click Add Permission. This displays the Add Permission box.
  6. Select the user or group or computer you want to give permission to.
  7. Select the HTTP permissions you want to grant (GET, PUT, POST, DELETE), or the Servlet permissions (there are eight).
  8. Click OK or Apply. (Clicking OK removes the Add Permission box from the screen; clicking Apply leaves it visible for further entries or changes.)

Note: For any given user in a group, the user's access control permissions always take precedence over the group's permissions.

To Allow Access Only From a Specific Computer:

  1. Select the realm that contains the access control list.
  2. Select the access control list to which you want to add an entry.
  3. Click Add Permission.
  4. Click on the Computer radio button.
  5. Enter the name of the host either as a name or as an IP address. You can use the wild card character (*) when entering a host name (for example, *.edu). Requests that originate from hosts other than the specified host will be denied.
  6. Click OK or Apply. (Clicking OK removes the Add Permission box from the screen; clicking Apply leaves it visible for further entries or changes.)

To Delete an Entry in an Access Control List:

  1. Select the realm that contains the access control list.
  2. Select the access control list that contains the entry you want to delete.
  3. Select the entry.
  4. Click Remove Permission.
  5. When you see the Remove Permission box, click Yes.

To Completely Delete a User Account from a Realm:

  1. Select Access Control Lists.
  2. Select the Realm.
  3. Under Principal/Permissions, select the user name.
  4. Click on Remove Permission. When you see the Remove Permission box, click Yes.
  5. Select Security --> Groups.
  6. Select the Realm.
  7. Select the Group.
  8. Select the user name to be removed from the Group.
  9. Click Remove.
  10. Select Security --> Users.
  11. Select the user name to be removed.
  12. Click Remove. When you see the Remove User box, click Yes.

The Add Permission Box

The Add Permissions box is used to assign permissions to specific users, or specific groups. It has the following fields:

The Add Permission box has the following five buttons:


To make changes to the Access Control Lists page and have those settings take affect, use the two buttons at the bottom of the screen. These are:
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