Java Web Server

Servlet Aliases

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This document has the following sections:

The Servlet Aliases page allows you to specify the pathname mapping rules that the Java Web Server uses to invoke servlets. These rules allow you to use a shortcut URL to call a servlet from your browser, or to embed the shortcut into your files. Java Web Server servlets can be called from within HTML documents (for example, using server-side includes) or from within other Java programs.

For more information on servlets, see Introduction to Servlets and the Servlet Tutorial.

Note: In most cases, servlets can be created and removed as needed. However, it is not a good idea to remove the following Java Web Server system servlets: file, ssinclude, cgi, imagemap, and invoker.


The Servlet Alias page has the following fields:


The alias for the servlet. The alias that you should enter is the part of the servlet's URL that appears after http://your_machine:port. Suppose, for example, that you type the alias /hi for a servlet named hello. Then users could type the URL,


to invoke the servlet, instead of having to type the URL,


Servlet Invoked
The name of the servlet that will be run in response to the alias. To continue the example shown in the description of the Alias field, above, you would type the name of the hello servlet: hello.

To specify any arguments

Enter the name of the servlet followed by a ? then the arguments.
Server redirects can be performed by providing arguments in this fashion to RedirectServlet. (For example, you could alias /oldlocation to /RedirectServlet?

To specify a servlet chain

Enter the name of each servlet, separated by commas but no spaces. (For example, finger,snoop,date).
A servlet chain is two or more servlets linked together so that each servlet in the chain is called in succession by the previous servlet. All of the servlets in a servlet chain can be aliased to one alias name. When a request arrives for that alias, all the servlets in the chain will be invoked.


To Add a Servlet Alias:

  1. Click Add to open a new line.
  2. Enter the URL Pathname you want to use to invoke the servlet.
  3. Enter the name of the servlet.
  4. Click Save.

To Delete a Servlet Alias:

  1. Select the alias from the list.
  2. Click Remove.
  3. Click Save.

To Edit a Servlet Alias:

  1. Select an alias from the list.
  2. Click Modify.
  3. Remove the existing text and enter new text, or append text to the existing information.
  4. Click Save.
Note: To move to a new field, click on that field.


To make changes to the Servlet Alias page and have those settings take affect, use the five buttons at the bottom of the screen. These are: >Note: If you Add, Modify, or Remove an alias pathname, you must Save before the changes take affect.

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