Structure Process
(* OS.Process -- SML Basis Library *)
eqtype status
val success : status
val failure : status
val system : string -> status
val atExit : (unit -> unit) -> unit
val exit : status -> 'a
val terminate : status -> 'a
val getEnv : string -> string option
Portable functions for manipulating processes.
[success] is the unique status value that signifies successful
termination of a process. Note: MS DOS (sometimes) believes that
all processes are successful.
[failure] is a status value that signifies an error during
execution of a process. Note that in contrast to the success
value, there may be several distinct failure values.
[system cmd] asks the operating system to execute command cmd, and
returns a status value.
[atExit act] registers the action act to be executed when the
current SML program calls Process.exit. Actions will be executed
in reverse order of registration.
[exit i] executes all registered actions, then terminates the SML
process with completion code i.
[terminate i] terminates the SML process with completion code i
(but without executing the registered actions).
[getEnv evar] returns SOME s if the environment variable evar is
defined and is associated with the string s; otherwise NONE.
Moscow ML 2.00