Table of contents


1  Introduction 
   1.1 Partial evaluation = program specialization                1 
   1.2 Why do partial evaluation?                                 5 
   1.3 Computation in one stage or more                           7 
   1.4 Partial evaluation and compilation                        11 
   1.5 Automatic program generation                              13 
   1.6 Critical assessment                                       15 
   1.7 Overview of the book                                      17 

Part I: Fundamental Concepts in Programming Languages

2 Functions, Types, and Expressions  
   2.1 Functions                                                 23 
   2.2 Types in programming languages                            26 
   2.3 Recursive data types                                      32 
   2.4 Summary                                                   36 
   2.5 Exercises                                                 37 
3 Programming Languages and Interpreters  
   3.1 Interpreters, compilers, and running times                38 
   3.2 The untyped lambda calculus: syntax and semantics         43 
   3.3 Three mini-languages                                      50 
   3.4 Compiling compilers                                       58 
   3.5 The central problems of compilation                       60 
   3.6 Summary                                                   61 
   3.7 Exercises                                                 62 

Part II: Principles of Partial Evaluation  

4 Partial Evaluation for a Flow Chart Language  
   4.1 Introduction                                              68 
   4.2 What is partial evaluation?                               69 
   4.3 Partial evaluation and compilation                        73 
   4.4 Program specialization techniques                         76 
   4.5 Algorithms used in mix                                    85 
   4.6 The second Futamura projection: compiler generation       86 
   4.7 Generating a compiler generator: mix^3                    91 
   4.8 The tricks under the carpet                               91 
   4.9 The granularity of binding-time analysis                  94 
   4.10 Overview of mix performance                              97 
   4.11 Summary and a more abstract perspective                  98 
   4.12 Exercises                                                99 
5 Partial Evaluation for a First-Order Functional Language  
   5.1 From flow charts to functions                            101 
   5.2 Binding-time analysis by abstract interpretation         106 
   5.3 Adding annotations                                       110 
   5.4 Specialization algorithm for Scheme0                     113 
   5.5 Call unfolding on the fly                                118 
   5.6 Implementation                                           122 
   5.7 Using type rules for binding-time checking               123 
   5.8 Constructing the generating extension                    125 
   5.9 Exercises                                                125 
6 Efficiency, Speedup, and Optimality  
   6.1 Defining and measuring speedup                           127 
   6.2 Flow chart mix gives linear speedup                      130 
   6.3 Speedup analysis                                         132 
   6.4 Optimality of mix                                        138 
   6.5 Hierarchies of meta-languages                            139 
   6.6 Exercises                                                141 
7 Online, Offline, and Self-application  
   7.1 Decision making as a prephase?                           145 
   7.2 Online and offline expression reduction                  145 
   7.3 BTA and the taming of self-application                   153 
   7.4 A recipe for self-application                            157 
   7.5 Exercises                                                159 

Part III: Partial Evaluation for Stronger Languages  

8 Partial Evaluation for the Lambda Calculus                    163 
   8.1 The lambda calculus and self-interpretation              164 
   8.2 Partial evaluation using a two-level lambda calculus     166 
   8.3 Congruence and consistency of annotations                169 
   8.4 Binding-time analysis                                    172 
   8.5 Simplicity versus power in Lambdamix                     173 
   8.6 Binding-time analysis by type inference                  175 
   8.7 BTA by solving constraints                               175 
   8.8 Correctness of Lambdamix                                 183 
   8.9 Exercises                                                190 
9 Partial Evaluation for Prolog (by Torben Mogensen)
   9.1 An example                                               195 
   9.2 The structure of Logimix                                 196 
   9.3 Conclusion                                               200 
   9.4 Exercises                                                202 
10 Aspects of Similix: A Partial Evaluator for a Subset of Scheme
   10.1 An overview of Similix                                  204 
   10.2 Specialization with respect to functional values        210 
   10.3 Avoiding duplication                                    215 
   10.4 Call unfolding on the fly                               217 
   10.5 Continuation-based reduction                            218 
   10.6 Handling partially static structures                    223 
   10.7 The Similix implementation                              225 
   10.8 Exercises                                               225 
11 Partial Evaluation for the C Language (by Lars Ole Andersen)
   11.1 Introduction                                            229 
   11.2 Specialization of control flow                          232 
   11.3 Function specialization                                 234 
   11.4 Data structures and their binding-time separation       239 
   11.5 Partial evaluation for C by two-level execution         245 
   11.6 Separation of the binding times                         253 
   11.7 Self-application, types, and double encoding            256 
   11.8 C-mix: a partial evaluator for C programs               256 
   11.9 Towards partial evaluation for full Ansi C              258 
   11.10 Exercises                                              259 

Part IV: Partial Evaluation in Practice  

12 Binding-Time Improvements  
   12.1 A case study: Knuth, Morris, Pratt string matching      264 
   12.2 Bounded static variation                                266 
   12.3 Conversion into continuation passing style              270 
   12.4 Eta conversion                                          273 
   12.5 Improvements derived from `free theorems'               274 
   12.6 Exercises                                               274 
13 Applications of Partial Evaluation  
   13.1 Types of problems susceptible to partial evaluation     277 
   13.2 When can partial evaluation be of benefit?              285 
   13.3 Exercises                                               293 

Part V: Advanced Topics  

14 Termination of Partial Evaluation                            297 
   14.1 Termination of online partial evaluators                297 
   14.2 Termination of offline partial evaluators               298 
   14.3 Binding-time analysis ensuring termination              301 
   14.4 Safety of BTA algorithm                                 305 
   14.5 Exercises                                               307 
15 Program Analysis  
   15.1 Abstract interpretation                                 309 
   15.2 Closure analysis                                        314 
   15.3 Higher-order binding-time analysis                      319 
   15.4 Projections and partially static data                   323 
   15.5 Projection-based binding-time analysis                  328 
   15.6 Describing the dynamic data                             332 
   15.7 Summary                                                 333 
   15.8 Exercises                                               333 
16 Larger Perspectives  
   16.1 Relations to recursive function theory                  335 
   16.2 Types for interpreters, compilers, and partial evaluators  337 
   16.3 Some research problems                                  346 
17 Program Transformation  
   17.1 A language with pattern matching                        347 
   17.2 Fold/unfold transformations                             350 
   17.3 Partial evaluation by fold/unfold                       355 
   17.4 Supercompilation and deforestation                      358 
   17.5 Exercises                                               364 
18 Guide to the Literature  
   18.1 A brief historical overview                             366 
   18.2 Partial evaluation literature by subject language       368 
   18.3 Principles and techniques                               370 
   18.4 Applications                                            372 
   18.5 Other topics related to partial evaluation              374 

A The Self-Applicable Scheme0 Specializer  
   A.1 Using the Scheme0 specializer                            376 
   A.2 Data structures in the Scheme0 specializer               378 
   A.3 The components of the Scheme0 specializer                380 

Bibliography                                                    389 
Index                                                           406 

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