Free Mini Course for Digital Tech Startups and SME's: ESG Data Governance

Elevate your digital tech startup with insights to navigate ESG compliance, optimize data usage, and unlock commercial value, all while understanding growth opportunities and operational risks.

The mini course provides tools and insights that help digital tech startups and small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to:

  • Effectively prioritize ESG compliance requirements with limited human resources by eliminating overlapping reporting processes and optimising the use of existing datasets
  • Unlock commercial value of ESG data through a demand-driven approach
  • Understand the growth opportunities and operational risks of digital tech startups through ESG data

Why Attend?

A robust ESG strategy can not only ensure compliance but also unlock commercial value and growth opportunities for your venture. Plus, since we understand the resource constraints faced by smaller organizations, we're offering this workshop free of charge!

About the course

Today, tech startups who operate in heavily regulated environments, such as Fintech and HealthTech, are faced with complex and rapidly emerging regulations related to sustainability such as CSRD, SFDR, ESRS, GPP criteria and EU Green Taxonomy, to name a few.

However, beyond compliance pressures, prioritizing the development of an ESG plan, even in the early stages, can be a sound business strategy for staying competitive and attracting customers and investors, who increasingly prioritize ESG compliance in their value chains.

But how can a small company with limited resources, capacity, and time go about planning its ESG efforts in an efficient way, and what can ESG standards look like specifically in tech-enabled industries?

This course builds on extensive research on this question, which we have conducted in the Fintech industry, and the findings, which we will unfold in this course, are relevant for all digital tech companies who are in the infant stages of, or have yet to, embark on their ESG journey.

What can you expect from the course?

Throughout the session, we'll take you through 3 main parts:

  • Identifying your ESG stakeholders
  • Prioritizing relevant ESG data
  • Integrating internal and external ESG resources

The sessions will consist of 3 mini-lectures followed by engaging hands-on exercises, allowing you to craft your own ESG data plan tailored to your business needs.

Refreshments: To keep our energy levels up, we'll be providing coffee, cake, tea, and water throughout the workshop.
Learning outcome and key benefits

With this course we aim to equip you to be at the forefront of ESG data governance in digital tech, by teaching you to:

  • Align compliance requirements with business and product development
  • Leverage existing processes and in-house data to identify, obtain, and effectively utilise reliable ESG data
  • Maximise commercial value from ESG data by connecting it with customer demands
  • Communicate effectively and realistically on the expectations of ESG data between startups, board members, venture investors and customers and move beyond greenwashing
We're genuinely excited about the prospect of working together towards a more sustainable future for small-scale businesses. Your participation will not only enrich your understanding of ESG principles but also contribute to a larger dialogue on responsible business practices.

More about the course

This course combines 3 sessions of mini lectures and hands-on exercises.

We bring together scientific insights and pioneering initiatives from market and public authorites, and facilitate peer learning between the founders, managers, board members and venture investors of digital tech companies.

The course is for founders, managers, board members and venture investors of digital tech startups that offer solutions based on AI, big data analytics, cloud computing for broader industries. This could be startups both in e.g., Fintech, HealthTech, AgriTech etc.

If you can say yes to one of the following statements, this course is for you:

  • You are or aspire to be a sustainability-focused enterprise
  • You’re facing current or future compliance pressures from EU and Danish regulators
  • You’re facing customer demands for ESG data
  • Yvonne Dittrich, Prof., PhD., IT University of Copenhagen: Design implications for ESG data structures (individual company and business collective)
  • Laura Juncker-Jensen, Lecturer, IT University of Copenhagen: Positioning in the state and market efforts around ESG data
  • Qiuyu Jiang, PhD, Aarhus University: ESG data and cultural transition (individual company and business collective)
  • Carsten Østerlund, Prof., PhD. Syracuse University: ESG data and organizational change (individual company and business collective)


Please sign up by clicking the registration button above, and submitting your information.

NB. Latest sign-up date is 3rd of June!

Time and place

When: From 13.00 - 16.00 at the IT-University in Copenhagen

Where: AirLab (access via the ground floor at the ITU atrium). Address: Rued Langgaards Vej, 7, 2300 Copenhagen S


All participants from digital tech startups and SME’s are welcome to participate in this special offer of a free mini course.

Admission requirements and registration

The course takes place in English. There is no exam, the course does not trigger ECTS points, as it is not linked to the IT University's other programmes. Therefore, there are also no entry requirements for courses under ITU Professional Courses.

Limited number of places

There is a limited number of places on the course. Places are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.

Practical questions

If you have practical questions, please contact the organizers at 42432989

Course Director

Cancan Wang
Contact Cancan Wang at



  • Professor at the IT University
  • Research Assistant at Nordic Institute of Asian Studies
  • Co-founder of China Nao
  • Research Assistant at CBS (Copenhagen Business School)

Contact Cancan Wang at 

Cancan Wang is an Associate Professor at the IT University of Copenhagen. She specializes in data governance in the context of sustainability transition, public digital transformation, and artificial intelligence development. She is also well-versed in related topics such as standardization, data ethics, and change leadership.