Welcome to ITU!

Don’t have a Danish Social Security Number (CPR-number) / MitId

You have to use the instructions mentioned in ITU welcoming letter, in this section: Activating ITU Account for an International Person. If you didn’t receive such a letter, or the letter is missing this section, contact us as soon as possible. A new employee should contact the Human Resources department, while the new student should contact the Student Affairs and Programmes department.

Have a Danish Social Security Number (CPR-number) / MitID

To activate your ITU user account you will need to authenticate yourself using your MitID.

How to do it
Press the MitID logo below to authenticate yourself using your MitID. After logging in using your MitID, you will be asked to give your consent to WAYF (read more about WAYF below). Your consent allows NemLog-In to pass your Danish Social Security Number (CPR-number) back to ITU's Password Management System. All communication is secure.

Once you have done this, you can create your ITU password, which will provide access to systems at the IT-University of Copenhagen.

If you experience any problems during activation, please contact the IT Department using the contact information provided below.

If You are going to use MitID/Nem-login as the Password reset method, please open this page in the Private Browsing mode.

How to open a Web address in the Private Browsing mode?

If you do not have MitID, you can order it at www.mitid.dk.

Contact the IT Department


IT University of Copenhagen
Rued Langgaards Vej 7
DK-2300 Copenhagen S
Room: 2C

Opening hours:
Monday to Friday 10:00 - 13:00

Learn more about WAYF

WAYF is ITU's single-sign-on provider. WAYF governs the MitID authentication process and data exchange between NemLog-In and ITU using a secured connection. Learn more about WAYF on WAYF’s homepage.