Welcome to Jon Voigt Tøttrup's ITU People Page

Yours truly, but in pixels.


This page is dedicated to my work at the ITU. It should give you an overview of my projects and maybe even allow you to try some of them out.


During my education at the ITU, I ended up working on several projects, most of them, as part of the Softwareudvikling (Software Development) programme* or as a part of the Datalogi (Computer Science) programme.

Most of these projects are stored in my secret github page at github.itu.dk as they were part of mandatory assignments and exercises that are probably still used at the ITU.

But I will strive to shed light on the projects that are available to the public on this page.

*Note that I spell modern concepts (e.g. 'a computer program') with the american spelling 'program' and old concepts (eg. 'theater programme') with the british spelling (which I believe looks rather archaic) 'programme'. My english teacher is probably grinding his teeth somewhere.