Class CircularQueue<T>

Type parameters:


IEnumerable<T>, System.Collections.IEnumerable, System.IFormattable, ICollectionValue<T>, IDirectedCollectionValue<T>, IDirectedEnumerable<T>, IQueue<T>, IShowable, IStack<T>


object, EnumerableBase<T>, CollectionValueBase<T>, CollectionBase<T>, DirectedCollectionBase<T>, SequencedBase<T>

Field overview

isReadOnlyBase, Inherited from CollectionBase<T> ,
itemequalityComparer, Inherited from CollectionBase<T> ,
size, Inherited from CollectionBase<T> ,
stamp, Inherited from CollectionBase<T>

Event overview

CollectionChanged, Inherited from CollectionValueBase<T> ,
CollectionCleared, Inherited from CollectionValueBase<T> ,
ItemInserted, Inherited from CollectionValueBase<T> ,
ItemRemovedAt, Inherited from CollectionValueBase<T> ,
ItemsAdded, Inherited from CollectionValueBase<T> ,
ItemsRemoved, Inherited from CollectionValueBase<T>

Property overview

ActiveEvents, Inherited from CollectionValueBase<T> ,
AllowsDuplicates ,
Count, Inherited from CollectionBase<T> ,
CountSpeed, Inherited from CollectionBase<T> ,
Direction, Inherited from SequencedBase<T> ,
EqualityComparer, Inherited from CollectionBase<T> ,
IsEmpty, Inherited from CollectionBase<T> ,
IsReadOnly, Inherited from CollectionBase<T> ,
this[int i] ,

Constructor overview

CircularQueue<T>() ,
CircularQueue<T>(int capacity)

Method overview

All(Fun<T,bool> predicate), Inherited from CollectionValueBase<T> ,
Apply(Act<T> action), Inherited from CollectionValueBase<T> ,
Backwards() ,
Check() ,
checkRange(int start, int count), Inherited from CollectionBase<T> ,
Choose() ,
CopyTo(T[] array, int index), Inherited from CollectionValueBase<T> ,
Dequeue() ,
Enqueue(T item) ,
Equals(object obj), Inherited from object ,
Exists(Fun<T,bool> predicate), Inherited from CollectionValueBase<T> ,
Filter(Fun<T,bool> predicate), Inherited from CollectionValueBase<T> ,
Finalize(), Inherited from object ,
Find(Fun<T,bool> predicate, out T item), Inherited from CollectionValueBase<T> ,
FindIndex(Fun<T,bool> predicate), Inherited from SequencedBase<T> ,
FindLast(Fun<T,bool> predicate, out T item), Inherited from DirectedCollectionBase<T> ,
FindLastIndex(Fun<T,bool> predicate), Inherited from SequencedBase<T> ,
GetEnumerator() ,
GetHashCode(), Inherited from object ,
GetSequencedHashCode(), Inherited from SequencedBase<T> ,
GetType(), Inherited from object ,
GetUnsequencedHashCode(), Inherited from CollectionBase<T> ,
MemberwiseClone(), Inherited from object ,
modifycheck(int thestamp), Inherited from CollectionBase<T> ,
Pop() ,
Push(T item) ,
raiseCollectionChanged(), Inherited from CollectionValueBase<T> ,
raiseCollectionCleared(bool full, int count), Inherited from CollectionValueBase<T> ,
raiseCollectionCleared(bool full, int count, System.Nullable<int> offset), Inherited from CollectionValueBase<T> ,
raiseForAdd(T item), Inherited from CollectionValueBase<T> ,
raiseForInsert(int i, T item), Inherited from CollectionValueBase<T> ,
raiseForRemove(T item), Inherited from CollectionValueBase<T> ,
raiseForRemove(T item, int count), Inherited from CollectionValueBase<T> ,
raiseForRemoveAll(ICollectionValue<T> wasRemoved), Inherited from CollectionValueBase<T> ,
raiseForRemoveAt(int index, T item), Inherited from CollectionValueBase<T> ,
raiseForSetThis(int index, T value, T item), Inherited from CollectionValueBase<T> ,
raiseForUpdate(T newitem, T olditem), Inherited from CollectionValueBase<T> ,
raiseForUpdate(T newitem, T olditem, int count), Inherited from CollectionValueBase<T> ,
raiseItemInserted(T item, int index), Inherited from CollectionValueBase<T> ,
raiseItemRemovedAt(T item, int index), Inherited from CollectionValueBase<T> ,
raiseItemsAdded(T item, int count), Inherited from CollectionValueBase<T> ,
raiseItemsRemoved(T item, int count), Inherited from CollectionValueBase<T> ,
SequencedEquals(ISequenced<T> otherCollection), Inherited from SequencedBase<T> ,
Show(System.Text.StringBuilder stringbuilder, ref int rest, System.IFormatProvider formatProvider), Inherited from CollectionValueBase<T> ,
ToArray(), Inherited from CollectionValueBase<T> ,
ToString(string format, System.IFormatProvider formatProvider), Inherited from CollectionValueBase<T> ,
ToString(), Inherited from CollectionValueBase<T> ,
UnsequencedEquals(ICollection<T> otherCollection), Inherited from CollectionBase<T> ,
updatecheck(), Inherited from CollectionBase<T>

Property details

bool AllowsDuplicatesAccess: Read-Only


T this[int i]Access: Read-Only
Get the i'th item in the queue. The front of the queue is at index 0.
EventTypeEnum ListenableEventsAccess: Read-Only


Constructor details

CircularQueue<T>(int capacity)

Method details

IDirectedCollectionValue<T> Backwards()
bool Check()
T Choose()
T Dequeue()
void Enqueue(T item)
System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator<T> GetEnumerator()
F T Pop()
F void Push(T item)