, System.Runtime.InteropServices._Exception
, System.Exception
, Inherited from System.Exception
, Inherited from System.Exception
, Inherited from System.Exception
, Inherited from System.Exception
, Inherited from System.Exception
, Inherited from System.Exception
, Inherited from System.Exception
, Inherited from System.Exception
, Inherited from System.ExceptionNotComparableException()
,NotComparableException(string message)
Equals(object obj)
, Inherited from object
, Inherited from object
, Inherited from System.Exception
, Inherited from object
,GetObjectData(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo info, System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext context)
, Inherited from System.Exception
, Inherited from System.Exception
, Inherited from object
, Inherited from object
, Inherited from System.Exception
NotComparableException() | Create a simple exception with no further explanation. | |||
NotComparableException(string message) |
Create the exception with an explanation of the reason.