Class ReadOnlyCollectionException

An exception thrown by an update operation on a Read-Only collection or dictionary.

This exception will be thrown unconditionally when an update operation (method or set property) is called. No check is made to see if the update operation, if allowed, would actually change the collection.


System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable, System.Runtime.InteropServices._Exception


object, System.Exception

Property overview

Data, Inherited from System.Exception ,
HelpLink, Inherited from System.Exception ,
HResult, Inherited from System.Exception ,
InnerException, Inherited from System.Exception ,
IsTransient, Inherited from System.Exception ,
Message, Inherited from System.Exception ,
Source, Inherited from System.Exception ,
StackTrace, Inherited from System.Exception ,
TargetSite, Inherited from System.Exception

Constructor overview

ReadOnlyCollectionException() ,
ReadOnlyCollectionException(string message)

Method overview

Equals(object obj), Inherited from object ,
Finalize(), Inherited from object ,
GetBaseException(), Inherited from System.Exception ,
GetHashCode(), Inherited from object ,
GetObjectData(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo info, System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext context), Inherited from System.Exception ,
GetType(), Inherited from System.Exception ,
GetType(), Inherited from object ,
MemberwiseClone(), Inherited from object ,
ToString(), Inherited from System.Exception

Constructor details

ReadOnlyCollectionException() Create a simple exception with no further explanation.
ReadOnlyCollectionException(string message) Create the exception with an explanation of the reason.