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Class com.sun.server.log.LogOutputStream


public class LogOutputStream
extends OutputStream
implements AlarmHandler
A buffered output stream for writing ASCII text in native text file format to a file in a "rolling" fasion. The buffer size, filename, and rollover point are all configurable. Rolling files work by checking if the rollover point (size of file in bytes) has been exceeded after every write. If the rollover point is exceeded, the file is closed, renamed to the filename followed by a ".1" (with all previous files "shifted down" by one), and a new file is created. If the "shift down" causes the maximum number of saved files to be exceeded, the oldest file is deleted.

Variable Index

 o buf
The buffer where output data is stored.
 o count
The number of bytes in the buffer.
 o lineSeparator
The line separator.

Constructor Index

 o LogOutputStream(File)
Creates a new output stream with defaults
 o LogOutputStream(File, long, int)
Create a new output stream, with no timed flushes
 o LogOutputStream(File, long, int, int)
Creates a new output stream with rollover, buffer size, and flush time.

Method Index

 o flush()
Flushes the output stream.
 o handleAlarm(Alarm)
Handle alarm sent for timed flush.
 o write(byte[])
Writes an array of bytes to the output stream.
 o write(byte[], int, int)
Writes an array of bytes to the output stream.
 o write(int)
Writes a byte of data to the output stream.


 o buf
 protected byte buf[]
The buffer where output data is stored.

 o count
 protected int count
The number of bytes in the buffer.

 o lineSeparator
 protected static final String lineSeparator
The line separator.


 o LogOutputStream
 public LogOutputStream(File outfile,
                        long rollover,
                        int size,
                        int flushtime) throws IOException
Creates a new output stream with rollover, buffer size, and flush time.

outfile - the file to write output to.
rollover - the size of the file before rollover occurs. 0 means never roll over.
size - the buffer size
flushtime - the time, in seconds, between flushes of the buffer to disk. 0 means flush only on full buffer.
 o LogOutputStream
 public LogOutputStream(File outfile) throws IOException
Creates a new output stream with defaults

outfile - the output file
 o LogOutputStream
 public LogOutputStream(File outfile,
                        long rollover,
                        int buffer) throws IOException
Create a new output stream, with no timed flushes

outfile - the output file
rollover - size the file is allowed to grow to
buffer - size of the output buffer, in bytes


 o write
 public synchronized void write(int b) throws IOException
Writes a byte of data to the output stream. If the rollover point is exceeded, the existing file will be rolled over to a new file.

b - the byte to be written
Throws: IOException
if an I/O error has occurred
write in class OutputStream
 o write
 public void write(byte b[]) throws IOException
Writes an array of bytes to the output stream. If the rollover point is exceeded, the existing file will be rolled over to a new file.

b - the bytes to be written.
Throws: IOException
If an I/O error has occurred.
write in class OutputStream
 o write
 public synchronized void write(byte b[],
                                int off,
                                int len) throws IOException
Writes an array of bytes to the output stream. This method will block until all the bytes have been written. If the rollover point is exceeded, the existing file will be rolled over to a new file.

b - the bytes to be written
off - the start offset of the bytes
len - the number of bytes to write
Throws: IOException
if an I/O error has occurred
write in class OutputStream
 o flush
 public synchronized void flush() throws IOException
Flushes the output stream.

Throws: IOException
if an I/O error has occurred
flush in class OutputStream
 o handleAlarm
 public void handleAlarm(Alarm alarm)
Handle alarm sent for timed flush. When the AlarmManager calls this method,

alarm - The alarm that fired, causing the method call.

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