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Class com.sun.server.realm.ResourceManager


public class ResourceManager
extends Object

Constructor Index

 o ResourceManager()
Construct a realm configuration manager.

Method Index

 o getProtectedResources()
return an enumeration of all the objects that are protected.
 o getProtection(Object)
get the Guard object that protexts the
 o isProtected(Object)
return whether or not a resrouce is protected
 o protect(Object, Guard)
Protect the resource object using the passed guard.
 o unprotect(Object)
Deletes the guard for the resource


 o ResourceManager
 public ResourceManager()
Construct a realm configuration manager.


 o protect
 public synchronized void protect(Object res,
                                  Guard guard)
Protect the resource object using the passed guard.

resource - the object being protected
guard - the object that identifies the protection parameters for this resource.
 o unprotect
 public synchronized void unprotect(Object res)
Deletes the guard for the resource

resource - the object that must no longer be protected
 o getProtection
 public Guard getProtection(Object resource)
get the Guard object that protexts the

resource - the object that is being guarded.
the ProtectionAttributes object that guards this object.
 o getProtectedResources
 public synchronized Enumeration getProtectedResources()
return an enumeration of all the objects that are protected.

a list of the objects that are protected.
 o isProtected
 public synchronized boolean isProtected(Object resource)
return whether or not a resrouce is protected

true if the resource is protected - false if not.

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