[27] Gad, C. & Ribes, D. (eds) ( 2014): "The Conceptual and The Emprical - expanding STS", Special Issue of Science, Technolology and Human Values 39(2)
Peer-reviewed Journal articles
[26] Schick Lea & Gad, C. (2015) Flexible and Inflexible Energy Engagements – a Study of the Danish Smart Grid Strategy in Energy Research and Social Science (forthcoming)
[25] Gad, C., & Dalsgaard, S. (2015) : Digital Optimering: refleksioner over e-valgsdebatten i Danmark. Tidsskriftet Antropologi 70: 153-169
[24] Gad, C., C. Bruun Jensen (2014): "The promises of Practice". The Sociologial Review 62: 698–718
[23] Gad, C. & Ribes, D. (2014): The Conceptual and The
Emprical in STS'. Science, Technology and Human Values 39(2): 183-191
[22] Gad, C., C. Bruun Jensen & B. Winthereik (Forthcoming 2014): “Practical Ontology: Worlds in STS and Anthropology. NatureCultures.
[21] Gad, C., C. Bruun Jensen & B. Winthereik (2013): 'Praktisk ontologi: Verdner i STS og antropologi. Tidskrift for Antropologi 67:81-100.
[20] Gad, C. & Koefoed Hansen, L. (2013): Preventive potentials – popular culture, surveillance and technological visions. Surveillance & Soicety 11 (1/2): 148-62.
[19] Gad, C. (2013): ‘A Post Plural Attitude’. NatureCultures 2: 50-79.
[18] Gad, C., C. Bruun Jensen (2012) "Praksismagi: Praksis som løsen og problem I videnskabs- og teknologistudier", Slagmark. 64: 61-76.
[17] Vedel & J.B. & Gad, C. (2012): ’A Trial de Novo: Rethinking Industrial Interests.’ Bulletin of Science,Technology & Society 31(6): 506–517.
[16] Gad, C. (2012) ’What we Talk about when we Talk about Sailor Culture: Understanding Danish Fisheries Inspection through a Cult Movie’. Culture Unbound. 4: 367-392.
[15] Gad, C. & Koefoed Hansen, L. (2011): Præventive potentialer: Populærkulturelle forestillinger om overvågning. Slagmark. 52: 99-112
[14] Gad, C. & Bruun Jensen, C. (2010): ’On the Consequences of Post-ANT'. Science, Technology & Human Values. 35(1): 55-80.
[13] Gad, C. & Koefoed Hansen, L. (2010): ’Resistance is fertile: Om overvågningens oligoptiske blik’. K & K : kultur og klasse : kritik og kulturanalyse. 110: 27-40.
[12] Gad, C. & Lauritsen, P. (2010): ’Overvågning som situeret praksis: Et teoretisk bidrag til overvågningsforskningen’ Dansk Sociologi. 21(2): 31-46.
[11] Gad, C. & Lauritsen, P. (2009): ’Situated Surveillance: An Ethnographic Study of Fisheries Inspection in Denmark' Surveillance and Society 7(1): 49-57.
[10] Gad, C. (2009): ’Dokumenter i styringspraksis: om læsestrategier og tekster som etnografiske objekter’, STS-Encounters 2(1): 1-36
Book Chapters
[9] Gad, C., Jensen C.
B. (Forthcoming) 'Lateral Comparisions' in Joe Deville,Michael Guggenheim & Zuzana Hrdlickova (eds) Practicing Comparison.
Revitalizing the Comparative Act. Mattering Press.
[8] Gad, C. &
Jensen, C. Bruun (2013) 'Spørgsmål til teknologierne – om komplekser af
tænkning og ting” in Søren Riis and Kasper Schiølin (eds.) Nye spørgsmål til teknikken. Århus: Århus Universitets Forlag.187-206
[7] Gad, C. & Bruun Jensen, C. (2009): ’Philosophy of Technology as Empirical Philosophy: Comparing Technological Scales in Practice’ in Selinger (eds.) New Waves in Philosophy of Technology. Basingstoke & New York : Macmillan: 292-314.
[6] Gad, C. & Markussen, R. (2007): ’Feministisk STS’ in Introduktion til STS. Bruun Jensen, C., Lauritsen, P. & Olesen, F. (eds.). Copenhagen : Hans Reitzels Forlag: 157-181.
[5] Gad, C. & Bruun Jensen, C. (2007): ’Post-ANT’ in Introduktion til STS. Bruun Jensen, C., Lauritsen, P. & Olesen, F. (eds). Copenhagen: Hans Reitzels Forlag: 93-118.
PhD Dissertation
[4] Gad, C. (2009): Virkeligheder på Spil: studier i empirisk filosofi, fiskerikontrol og ontologisk arbejde, Information & Media Studies, Aarhus University.
Working paper
[3] Gad, C. (2005): ’En postplural attitude’, Aarhus University: Centre for STS-studies Working Papers, 5.
[2 Boulus-Rödje, N. & Gad, C, & (2012): Preliminary Research Notes on the 2011 Danish Parliamentary election.
[1] Gad, C. & Markussen, R. Demokrati. Drop ideen om valg via internettet. Analyse i Politiken 19.10.2012.