
Khuloud Abou Amsha
Troyes University of Technology

Postdoctoral fellow at Troyes University of Technology (France). Her research focuses on designing systems to support social interactions. Her main application domain is healthcare; she was involved in several projects at the regional, and national levels.

Erik Grönvall
IT University of Copenhagen

Associate Professor at IT University of Copenhagen. His research is within the fields of PD, healthcare technology, HCI and CSCW. Erik researches technology in everyday life and how to for example design for the capabilities and needs of diverse users.

Joanna Saad-Sulonen
Oulu University

Postdoctoral researcher at the University of Oulu (Finland). Her research interest includes participatory design of IT in contexts such as governance, urban planning, and citizen self-organisation; research infrastructures; and combined ethnographic and PD methods.

Claus bossen
Aarhus University

Associate professor at Aarhus University (Denmark). His research interest includes analysis of work place practice, anthropological methods, project management and design, development and implementation of IT, mainly within the healthcare sector.