Enkeltfag på kandidatniveau

Her på siden finder du vores udbud af enkeltfagskurser på kandidatniveau, som du kan læse via vores tompladsordning.

Under tompladsordningen udbyder ITU hvert år en lang række forskellige enkeltfag fra ITU's seks kandidatuddannelser:

Læs mere om ITU's seks kandidatuddannelser her

Søg om optag som tompladsstuderende
Du kan søge om optag på et eller flere af nedenstående kurser under tompladsordningen. Ved ledig plads på et kursus vil du kunne følge undervisningen og læse sammen med ITU's indskrevne studerende.

Listen over kurser indeholder både kurser udbudt i indeværende og i fremtidige semestre. Det giver dig mulighed for at orientere dig i forhold til kurser, som udbydes i fremtiden. Du kan dog kun søge om optagelse på kurser udbudt i indeværende semester. 

Forårskurser kan søges fra medio november, mens efterårskurser kan søges fra medio maj. Du kan også søge sommerkurser (dss. Summer University) som enkeltfagskurser. Ansøgningsperioden for sommerkurser er også fra medio november til primo maj.

Begrænset antal pladser på enkeltfagskurser
Hvis du ønsker at blive optaget på et bestemt kursus, skal du ansøge hurtigst muligt, efter ansøgningsportalen åbner, da de ledige pladser på kurserne fordeles efter først-til-mølle-princippet.

Vær opmærksom på benævnelserne i ansøgningsportalen: Søger du ind på bachelor- (og/eller kandidatkurser), skal du vælge uddannelsestypen "tomplads". Søger du ind på masterkurser, skal du vælge uddannelsestypen "enkeltfag - diplom/master".

Vejledning til ansøgning
Læs mere om ansøgning, optagelseskrav, dokumentation m.m. her

Optagelse efter ansøgningsfrist 
Ønsker du optagelse på et kursus efter ansøgningsfrist eller kursusstart, skal du kontakte ITU Efteruddannelse.

Vær desuden opmærksom på, at der kan være en stor læsebyrde inden første kursusgang.


Kom godt igang: vejledning til ansøgning

Adgangsgivende uddannelser
For at blive optaget et enkeltfagskursus bachelorniveau skal du dokumentere en bestået gymnasial uddannelse eller en tilsvarende adgangsgivende udenlandsk eller international eksamen.

Specifikke adgangskrav
Derudover er der specifikke adgangskrav til enkeltfag på bachelorniveau. Hvilke specifikke krav der gælder afhænger af bacheloruddannelsen.

Du kan inde på → kursusbeskrivelsen i Kursuskataloget se, hvilken bacheloruddannelse det enkeltfagskursus, du søger om optagelse på, hører under.

Adgangsgivende uddannelser
For at blive optaget på et enkeltfagskursus på kandidatniveau skal du dokumentere en bestået bacheloruddannelse (fra et universitet) eller professionsbacheloruddannelse.

Krav om engelskkundskaber
Når du søger ind på et kandidatkursus, skal du også dokumentere, at du har engelskkundskaber svarende til minimum dansk gymnasialt B-niveau med et gennemsnit på minimum 3,0 (efter 7-trinsskalaen) på én af følgende måder:

  • Du har haft engelsk på B-niveau i løbet af en gymnasial eksamen fra Danmark (eller gennem supplering).

  • Du har taget en gymnasial eksamen, en professionsbacheloruddannelse eller en bacheloruddannelse gennemført på engelsk i Danmark, et andet EU-land, Storbritannien, Norge, Island, Schweiz, USA, Canada, Sydafrika, Australien eller New Zealand.

  • Du har en adgangsgivende bacheloruddannelse fra Danmark gennemført på dansk (gælder dog ikke dansksprogede professionsbacheloruddannelser). 

  • Du har taget en relevant engelsktest med en vis score. Testresultatet må højst være 2 år gammelt. Denne tidsgrænse gælder dog ikke for CPE og CAE.


Krav til engelsktest

  • TOEFL papirbaseret testresultat: mindst 560

  • TOEFL IBT testresultat: mindst 88

  • IELTS (academic) testresultat: mindst 6.5

  • Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE): bestået

  • Cambridge Certificate of Advanced English (CAE): bestået

IT-Universitetets TOEFL-kode er 9015. Du skal bruge denne kode, når du tilmelder dig en TOEFL-test. Der er ingen kode for IELTS eller Cambridge. 

Du opfylder også engelskkravet, hvis du har bestået engelsk på dansk gymnasialt A-niveau.

Har du en gymnasial uddannelse fra før A-, B- og C-niveau blev indført, vil IT-Universitetet beregne dit niveau ud fra bilag til Meritbekendtgørelsen.

Krav om danskkundskaber
Hvis du søger om optagelse på et enkeltfagskursus, som hører under enten MSc i Digital Innovation & Management eller MSc i Digital Design og Interaktive Teknologier, skal du dokumentere dansk på A-niveau (uden karakterkrav, men bestået). Du dokumenterer dansk på A-niveau på én af følgende måder:

  • Du har bestået dansk på A-niveau i løbet af gymnasial eksamen fra Danmark (eller gennem supplering).

  • Du er nordisk statsborger og har bestået en gymnasial eksamen eller en adgangsgivende uddannelse gennemført på dansk, norsk eller svensk.

  • Du har et andet statsborgerskab end nordisk og har bestået en adgangsgivende uddannelse eller en forudgående gymnasial uddannelse gennemført på dansk, norsk eller svensk.

For at blive optaget på et enkeltfagskursus på masterniveau skal du minimum have gennemført og bestået en mellemlang videregående uddannelse som fx én af følgende:

  • Bacheloruddannelse
  • Professionsbacheloruddannelse
  • Diplomuddannelse gennemført som et reguleret forløb
  • HD-uddannelse
  • Udenlandsk uddannelse på samme niveau. Du har mulighed for at søge om dispensation fra det uddannelsesmæssige adgangskrav, hvis du kan dokumentere, at du har erhvervet et tilsvarende uddannelsesniveau (læs mere i fold-ud-menuen nedenfor).

2 års relevant erhvervserfaring
Efter din adgangsgivende uddannelse skal du have minimum 2 års relevant erhvervserfaring på fuld tid (svarende til minimum 30 timer pr. uge). Relevant erhvervserfaring betyder, at du skal have erfaring med it-faglige og/eller organisatoriske problemstillinger. IT-Universitetet kan ikke dispensere fra dette krav.

Den relevante erhvervserfaring kan dokumenteres på flere måder:

  • Udtalelse/erklæring fra arbejdsgiver(e) på virksomhedens officielle papir med underskrift og med angivelse af varigheden for samt en beskrivelse af den relevante beskæftigelse.
  • Alternativt kan lønsedler, der indeholder start- og slutdato, anvendes, inklusiv en kort beskrivelse af den relevante beskæftigelse.
  • Selvstændige bedes kort beskrive deres virksomhed samt dokumentere, at der de sidste to år har været aktivitet i virksomheden af en vis volumen. Dokumentationen kan eksempelvis være i form af en kopi af underskrevne kundekontrakter (med varighed), underskrevne referencer fra kunder eller kopi af årsopgørelse fra SKAT, der viser årsindkomst. Al dokumentationsmateriale behandles naturligvis fortroligt.

Sprogkrav: Dansk på A-niveau
For at blive optaget på et enkeltfagskursus under en masteruddannelse, skal du på ansøgningstidspunktet dokumentere danskkundskaber svarende til dansk gymnasialt A-niveau på én af følgende måder:

  • Du har bestået dansk på A-niveau i løbet af gymnasial eksamen fra Danmark (eller gennem supplering).
  • Du har bestået Studieprøven i dansk som andetsprog. Læs mere om Studieprøven - fx her hos UCplus.
  • Du er nordisk statsborger og har bestået en gymnasial eksamen eller en adgangsgivende uddannelse gennemført på dansk, norsk eller svensk.
  • Du har et andet statsborgerskab end nordisk og har bestået en adgangsgivende uddannelse eller en forudgående gymnasial uddannelse gennemført på dansk, norsk eller svensk.

Sprogkrav: Engelsk på B-niveau
For at blive optaget på et enkeltfagskursus under en masteruddannelse, skal du på ansøgningstidspunktet dokumentere engelskkundskaber svarende til minimum dansk gymnasialt B-niveau på én af følgende måder:

  • Du har bestået engelsk på B-niveau i løbet af gymnasial eksamen fra Danmark (eller gennem supplering).
  • Du har taget en gymnasial eksamen, en professionsbacheloruddannelse eller en bacheloruddannelse gennemført på engelsk i Danmark, et andet EU-land, Storbritannien, Norge, Island, Schweiz, USA, Canada, Sydafrika, Australien eller New Zealand.
  • Du har en adgangsgivende bacheloruddannelse fra Danmark gennemført på dansk (gælder dog ikke dansksprogede professionsbacheloruddannelser).
  • Du har taget en relevant engelsktest med en vis score. Testresultatet må højst være 2 år gammelt. Denne tidsgrænse gælder dog ikke for CPE og CAE.

Krav til engelsktest

  • TOEFL IBT testresultat: mindst 83
  • IELTS (academic) testresultat: mindst 6.5
  • Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE): bestået
  • Cambridge Certificate of Advanced English (CAE): bestået

IT-Universitetets TOEFL-kode er 9015. Du skal bruge denne kode, når du tilmelder dig en TOEFL-test. Der er ingen kode for IELTS eller Cambridge.

Du opfylder også engelskkravet, hvis du har bestået engelsk på dansk gymnasialt A-niveau.

Har du en gymnasial uddannelse fra før A-, B- og C-niveau blev indført, vil IT-Universitetet beregne dit niveau ud fra bilag til Meritbekendtgørelsen.


Du søger ind på ITU's enkeltfag via vores → online ansøgningsportal her. 

Det er godt at have al dokumentation klar, før du begynder ansøgningen. Det er dog også muligt undervejs at gemme ansøgningen som en kladde og vende tilbage til den senere. 

Husk, at når du om lidt ansøger i portalen, skal du...

  • vælge "Tomplads" som uddannelsestype, hvis du søger ind på bachelor- eller kandidatkurser
  • vælge "Enkeltfag - Diplom/Master" som uddannelsestype, hvis du søger ind på masterkurser.


Når du møder systemet første gang, kan du logge ind på tre forskellige måder. Du finder hjælp til login i loginvejledningen.


Hvis du har brug for hjælp til at udfylde felterne og forstå processen på ansøgningsportalen, kan du læse ansøgningsvejledningen, som gennemgår hele ansøgningsprocessen. Når du har udfyldt og indsendt din ansøgning, modtager du en bekræftelse på den e-mail, som du er oprettet med på ansøgningsportalen.

Hvis du ikke opfylder adgangskravene på det kursus, du vil søge ind på, har du mulighed for at søge om dispensation fra disse. Når du søger ind på et kursus via ansøgningsportalen, har du mulighed for at vedlægge en dispensationsansøgning. Ansøgningen skal indeholde en redegørelse for, hvad du søger om dispensation fra og med hvilken begrundelse. 

Hertil skal du vedlægge dokumentation for de forhold, du søger om dispensation fra. Du kan kun få dispensation, hvis IT-Universitetet ud fra en konkret vurdering skønner, at du har de nødvendige faglige kvalifikationer, som kan sidestilles med de fastsatte adgangskrav.

Der er deltagerbetaling på alle enkeltfagskurser. Deltagerbetalingen skal være betalt, før du kan starte på kurset og deltage i undervisning og eksamen.

Fristen for rettidig betaling fremgår af fakturaen. Nogle får deres kurser helt eller delvist betalt af deres arbejdsgiver, mens andre betaler selv.

  • Pris pr. kursus á 7,5 ECTS: 10.625 kr.  
  • Pris pr. kursus á 7,5 ECTS (masterkursus m. forplejning): 12.300 kr. 
  • Pris pr. kursus á 10 ECTS: 14.170 kr. 
  • Pris pr. kursus á 15 ECTS: 21.250 kr. 

Ovenstående priser er for studerende fra EU/EØS-lande. Der gælder andre priser for studerende fra lande uden for EU/EØS. Se priserne her. 

Hvad dækker betalingen?
Betalingen dækker undervisning på det kursus, du er optaget på, samt to eksamensforsøg – en obligatorisk eksamen og eventuel reeksamen. 

Hvis du har brugt begge eksamensforsøg
Hvis du har betalt for et enkeltfag, men ikke bestået det, skal du gentilmelde dig kurset og betale for kurset en gang til. Du kan ikke deltage i undervisningen og gå til eksamen igen uden at betale igen.

Opkræves forud for hvert semester
Deltagerbetalingen bliver opkrævet forud for semesteret og er en forudsætning for, at du kan følge undervisningen og gå til eksamen. Hvis din arbejdsgiver betaler dit kursus, sender vi en faktura med frist for rettidig betaling direkte til din arbejdsgivers E-boks

Husk at give besked om dette i ansøgningsskemaet ved at oplyse CVR-nummer. Hvis din arbejdsgiver er en offentlig institution, skal du også huske at angive EAN-nummer, hvortil fakturaen vil blive sendt som et e-bilag. Hvis du selv betaler for dit kursus, sender vi fakturaen direkte til din E-boks via dit CPR-nummer. 

Hvis du søger om optagelse kort tid inden kursusstart, må du forvente en meget kort betalingsfrist. Den korte frist sikrer også, at du kan gå til første undervisningsgang samt få adgang til de IT-systemer, du skal bruge i forbindelse med dit kursus.

Refundering af deltagerbetaling og afmelding
Afmelding af kursus og refundering af deltagerbetaling inden kursusstart skal altid ske ved at sende en e-mail til ITU Efteruddannelse på efteruddannelse@itu.dk med angivelse af navn, fødselsdato og kursus. 

Refundering af deltagerbetaling efter kursusstart kan kun ske ved ganske særlige tilfælde såsom sygdom, langvarig sygdom, udstationering og lignende usædvanlige forhold. Henvendelse om refundering af deltagerbetaling efter kursusstart sendes ligeledes til ITU Efteruddannelse vedlagt dokumentation.

SVU - Statens Voksenuddannelsesstøtte
Enkeltfagsstuderende kan i særlige tilfælde få tildelt SVU, dvs. Statens Voksenuddannelsesstøtte. Det er dit eget ansvar at undersøge reglerne og ansøge om SVU. Kontakt www.svu.dk for uddybende information.

Vi har studiestart på enkeltfagskurser både forår, sommer (Summer University) og efterår:

Ultimo januar (eksamen i juni)

Primo/medio juli (eksamen i august)

Ultimo august (eksamen i januar)

Nogle kurser på særligt masterniveau kan have en senere opstart i foråret eller efteråret og forløbe fra fx april til juni eller oktober til december. 

Er du blevet optaget på et enkeltfag, vil du i umiddelbar forlængelse heraf modtage et velkomstbrev med flere informationer, der klæder dig på til at starte dine studier på IT-Universitetet. 

IT-Universitetet forbeholder sig ret til at justere eller aflyse planlagte kurser, kvalifikationsforløb eller masteruddannelser, hvis tilslutningen ikke er stor nok eller andre organisatoriske forhold gør sig gældende.

Kommende kurser på kandidatniveau

NB. Skema:  Vi har pt. problemer med visning af individuelle kursusskemaer. Du kan se alle skemaer her:

KursusnavnNiveauTid og stedAnsøgSprog
The course is a hands-on introduction to the tools that are necessary to design and develop physical artefacts.
KandidatForår 2025Sommer 2025Ansøgen

Understanding creative work as processes that take place within organizational and cultural settings under different kind of leadership and management, the course focuses on the simultaneously constraining and enabling ways these structures influence creativity and innovation. 

KandidatForår 2025Sommer 2025Ansøgda
In this course, the students learn how to evaluate, design and prototype products based on latest artificial intelligence technologies.
KandidatForår 2025Sommer 2025Ansøgen

This course examines organizations in light of contemporary challenges with digitalization. It explores organizational perspectives on digitalization and cover theories that can help us better understand, and critically reflect upon, such profound challenges, while also offering hands-on approaches to managing them. Furthermore, it investigates questions of the changing nature of work, and themes such as leadership, management, and organizing in order to make students both knowledgeable about, and skilled in the practice of, and engaging with, digital transformation.

KandidatForår 2025Sommer 2025Ansøgen
The course is a hands-on introduction to the tools that are necessary to design and develop physical artefacts.
KandidatEfterår 202520252Infoen-
The course covers fundamental techniques for developing data management and data analytics applications.
KandidatEfterår 202520252Infoen

This course will introduce students to techniques for solving complex programming tasks arising in modern IT systems. The focus in the course is on algorithm design and analysis.

Efterår 202520252Infoen-

This course addresses advanced programming techniques, with a special attention on functional programming and its applications. The course is a perfect balance of theory and practice, with focus on the Scala programming language.

Efterår 202520252Infoen-

The course is designed to enable the student to engage with future developments in software engineering by providing a forum for the critical discussion of processes, methods, tools, and architectures. By combining theoretical insights from state-of-the-art research and hands-on experience with advanced tools and techniques, students gain a comprehensive understanding of software engineering.

Efterår 202520252Infoen-

This course is an advanced course on algorithms which builds on top of an introductory course on algorithms and data structures. The course focuses on advanced techniques for identifying and solving computationally hard problems and on how to adapt such techniques to real-world scenarios.

KandidatEfterår 202520252Infoen-

This course is about that part of programming that focuses on parallelism and concurrency. It covers concurrency concepts that are universal to any programming language. The Java programming language is the main language used for practically addressing such aspects; and Erlang is also used for a topic in the course.

KandidatEfterår 202520252Infoen-
Creating aesthetic user experiences requires designers to pay attention to all the subjective, sensorial and emotional qualities that can make a design delightful, pleasant and interesting to users. This course offers a theoretical and methodological foundation for thinking about aesthetics in your design projects. The course is structured around practical design projects addressing challenges from external partners in the cultural sector and/or the creative industries.
KandidatEfterår 202520252Infoen
The course zooms in on the ongoing digital transformation of the Danish public sector and provides analytical and methodological tools for understanding and working with digitalization processes across governmental institutions and the private organisations that underpin their transformation.
Efterår 202520252Infoen
Students learn to analyse and critically engage with games and related theoretical topics.
KandidatEfterår 202520252Infoen-
This course teaches fundamental techniques for using C++ efficiently to implement 2D and 3D games.
KandidatEfterår 202520252Infoen-
The course conveys the necessary tools for analysing games and player cultures from a comprehensive variety of angles, ranging from classic play theories and semiotics to transmedia and gender studies. It engages with games and play from a historical perspective, establishing a common ground for communication about games and player cultures among students from different backgrounds.
KandidatEfterår 202520252Infoen-
This course teaches the design and development of video games from prototyping to effective teamwork across disciplinary boundaries. It also covers the most important technical and theoretical foundations of game development.
KandidatEfterår 202520252Infoen-
This course teaches how to explore technologies for their potential in regards to play.
KandidatEfterår 202520252Infoen-
The course introduces basic theoretical and practical approaches to programming and game engine functionality using the C# language. It is intended for students with little or no prior experience with programming. The course teaches how to build games-related software using a game engine (Unity engine). The teaching emphasizes small programming exercises.
KandidatEfterår 202520252Infoen-
This course teaches the foundation of constructing user interfaces for computer systems. This problem is likely harder than you might think: computer programs very often perform complex tasks, yet users demand and need simple interfaces. Producing such interfaces requires an understanding of both the user—e.g., what are they trying to accomplish? what do they know already?—and the technology—e.g., how can we  implement a in a given UI framework the interactions that we want to present the user with, how do we interact with a backend API? In this course, students will develop both their design knowledge, but also their technical skills.
KandidatEfterår 202520252Infoen-
In this course, you will learn how to implement some widely-used algorithms as fast and scalable programs on modern hardware, and how to evaluate your implementation using appropriate test cases and performance experiments.
KandidatEfterår 202520252Infoen-
This is a hands-on course that teaches the basic principles of computer security. You will get in-depth experience with cyberattacks, and how to prevent them. The course projects enable you to personalize the course to match your unique background.
KandidatEfterår 202520252Infoen-
This course addresses the technical issues that emerge during the big data life cycle including collection, management, processing, and analytics. We discuss modern approaches to organising and reasoning about large, fast growing and diverse data-sets. We cover the principles of big data analysis, and illustrate a hands-on approach to big data modelling and management.
KandidatEfterår 202520252Infoen-

This course gives an introduction to the field of data mining. The course is relatively practically oriented, focusing on applicable algorithms. Practical exercises will involve both use of a freely available data mining package and individual implementation of algorithms.

KandidatEfterår 202520252Infoen-
The course is an introduction to discrete mathematics as a foundation to work within the fields of computer science, information technologies, and software development.
KandidatEfterår 202520252Infoen-
This course teaches the theoretical and practical foundations for distributed computing.
KandidatEfterår 202520252Infoen

In this course students will learn to apply modern state-of-the-art solutions for natural language processing problems. We go beyond simple classification tasks, and tackle more advanced types of tasks, like generation and structured prediction. 

Efterår 202520252Infoen

Networks are all around us: We are ourselves, as individuals, the units of a network of social relationships of different kinds; the Internet and the highway system can be modelled as networks embedded in space; networks can be also entities defined in an abstract space, such as networks of acquaintances or collaborations between individuals. This course aims at providing the computational tools to study these networks and form an advanced understanding of the current state of the art of network science. The final objective is to have the students master computational techniques to solve advanced network problems, to be able to contribute to the development of network analysis, and to appreciate the limitations and future developments of scientific papers dealing with network problems in real-world data.


Efterår 202520252Infoen

This hands-on course teaches you how the design, implementation, and implications, of systems software influence your task as an application programmer. You will get an in-depth understanding of how hardware and the operating system work; in the process, you will learn how computers actually work, and what actually happens when you run an application. This enables you to fully exploit underlying hardware and systems software to write high-quality software.

Efterår 202520252Infoen
Dette kursus vil sætte de studerende i stand til at forstå, artikulere og arbejde kritisk med værdier og etik i avancerede og komplekse design kontekster.
KandidatEfterår 202520252Infoda

Today we rarely use programs that are developed to fit one specific customer. When we play games, use business systems for administration, or download apps to our phones, we use software that is part of software ecosystems: software products that are configured to fit a specific business context; platforms that allow sharing of specific kinds of software; or software as a service. Examples of software ecosystems have developed around software products, like game engines, or enterprise resource planning (ERP or CRM) software, integrated development environments like visual studio and platforms like the Android operating system. 

In this course you explore software ecosystems from UX design, organizational and technical perspectives. To this end you will analyse a software ecosystem together, propose an improvement related to the ecosystem, and support your proposal with a prototype and / or other design artefacts.

Efterår 202520252Infoen

This course enables students to understand the effects of automated digital systems on the way a welfare society is governed and experienced by social groups and individuals.

Efterår 202520252Infoen

The course aims at giving the students an introduction to the complexities of determining how processes of digitalisation and green transitions are entangled.

KandidatEfterår 202520252Infoen

Students attending this course will study how to design game code that is scalable and takes into account hardware and software resources.

KandidatEfterår 202520252Infoen

This course examines organizations in light of contemporary challenges with digitalization. It explores organizational perspectives on digitalization and cover theories that can help us better understand, and critically reflect upon, such profound challenges, while also offering hands-on approaches to managing them. Furthermore, it investigates questions of the changing nature of work, and themes such as leadership, management, and organizing in order to make students both knowledgeable about, and skilled in the practice of, and engaging with, digital transformation.

KandidatEfterår 202520252Infoen

The course aims to teach the understanding, design, implementation, and use of state-of-the-art artificial intelligence (AI) techniques applied to games and other simulation environments. We mainly cover methods to control agents (NPC, bots, robots, etc.), focusing on neural network-based approaches but also tree search techniques such as MCTS. Additionally, this course covers generative AI methods and their use for environment/game level generation, in addition to exploring the use of Large Language Models for games. 

KandidatEfterår 202520252Infoen
Dette kursus vil give de studerende teoretiske og metodiske forudsætninger for at studere, analysere og forstå interaktioner og relationer mellem mennesker og digitale teknologier i situeret praksis. Indenfor rammen af antropologiske og sociologiske teknologistudier, vil kurset træne de studerendes evner til at udføre empiriske studier, samt at analysere og reflektere kritisk over implikationer af digitale teknologier I specifikke situationer og sammenhænge.
KandidatEfterår 202520252Infoda
This course will introduce basic concepts and techniques for designing and analysing cryptographic protocols with a focus on privacy preserving computation and blockchain protocols. We will cover both the main constructions of such protocols and the theoretical models used for proving their security.
Efterår 202520252Infoen

This course introduces students to cutting-edge robotics research and hands-on applications. Over several multi-week modules, students will work with modern robotic systems, learning both theory and practical implementation. Each module covers a specific area of robotics research, combining lectures with hands-on projects that let students apply what they've learned. The course emphasizes practical problem-solving and real-world applications of robotics technology.

Efterår 202520252Infoen
Efterår 202520252Infoen
Efterår 202520252Infoen
Efterår 202520252Infoen
Efterår 202520252Infoen
Efterår 202520252Infoen
The course is a hands-on introduction to the tools that are necessary to design and develop physical artefacts.
Forår 202620261Infoen-
The course covers fundamental techniques for developing data management and data analytics applications.
Forår 202620261Infoen

Students attending this course will study some of the core algorithms and systems related to game development.

Forår 202620261Infoen
This course introduces basics of Bayesian statistics, Bayesian data analysis, Bayesian learning, and the programming tools that enable automation of these methods. The course emphasizes programmable statistical methods over pen and pencil analytics.
Forår 202620261Infoen

In this course, we teach both advanced machine learning (ML) approaches and hands-on skills for applying these approaches to data science problems.

Forår 202620261Infoen

This course provides an overview on the topics of bias and fairness in data, models, and algorithms, and on the associated ethical and accountability issues.

Forår 202620261Infoen
This course provides the basic algorithmic tools indispensable for every software developer.
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The goal of the course is to make students able to manage and use data sets, e.g. by learning about tools for data interpretation and visualization, and to reason about the use of data in larger contexts.
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In this course, you will learn how to analyze and improve the performance of a computer system with a specific focus on data-intensive systems.

To investigate a system’s performance and come up with solutions to improve it, there are three key things to know.

  1. How to devise a methodology to design experiments so that you can investigate the system’s performance,
  2. The toolset to run the necessary experiments and collect the results, and
  3. At least a basic understanding of the systems layers (hardware, operating systems, etc.) to be able to interpret your results and come up with solutions.

This is what we will cover in this course.

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In this course, students learn how to work in data-driven design and development processes and what changes data analysis brings to the design and maintenance of games.

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The course will introduce and cover basic concepts in Enterprise Architecture -an approach to understand, manage and develop business strategy in a complex IT landscape. There will be an introduction to the recognised frameworks and models in Enterprise Architecture.

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This course aims to enable students to design and develop websites and interactive Web applications based on standard Web technologies and software frameworks.

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The subject of the course is functional, declarative programming in general and F# in particular.

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This course teaches the conceptual foundation and practical implementation of game worlds.
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This course gives an introduction to IoT as well as practical experience with the design and implementation of end-to-end IoT systems.

Practical examples and exercises will predominatly be from domains Energy and Environment.

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This is a course in mathematics covering linear algebra and basic probability theory. This course is the first course of the Algorithms and Machine Learning specialisations.
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This course gives an introduction to Java/Kotlin development of apps for the Android platform, and an overview of concepts for handling concurrency on mobile devices.
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The goal of this course is to give you a mindset of working with software in an abstract and semi-automated fashion, as in a production process (as opposed to a hand crafting process).
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This course is designed to introduce students to designing play and games from the perspective of Critical Design. The goal is to give students theoretical and practical knowledge about play that they can use in different subject areas, from game design and interaction design to software development.
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The goal of the course is to teach how to navigate and actively participate in an increasingly complex and constantly changing service economy.
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The design, development, and implementation of a software system requires the evaluation of several, often conflicting, aspects of the system and mastery of multiple tools and techniques. The aim of this course is to provide you with knowledge on how to design the architecture of  software systems in a structured and systematic way that addresses the required functionality and supports the necessary system qualities. This requires a technical toolbox with concepts, methods, and principles to support the software design, implementation, and evaluation as much as a wider understanding of the context and domain of the system. Beyond the design of software architecture you will also learn about the tools and approaches that are used in recovering the architecture of a system by the analysis of its source code and version control information.
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The course examines the new responsibilities and obligations of state actors as they implement IT systems. It explores how public bodies use and store data, questions the line between public and private companies, and explores political and ethical questions of infrastructure and responsibility during public digitization initiatives.
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The objective of the course is to provide students with ways of understanding, articulating and thinking critically about some of the fundamental assumptions about the psychology of games, play and players.
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The course "DevOps, Software Evolution and Software Maintenance" is an MSc elective.

In this course, the students will discover all the software engineering activities that take place after an initial software product is delivered or after a legacy system is taken over from a theoretical and practical perspective. Students (in groups) will take over such a system that is live and serving users, they will refactor and migrate it to the languages and technologies of their liking. All subsequent DevOps, software evolution and software maintenance activities will be performed directly on the systems of the students.

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The overall goal of the course is to introduce students to a selection of the most important problem solving and decision support techniques within AI and optimization.
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This course is designed to give students a basic introduction to programming and data processing. Students will get a hands-on introduction to the Python programming language and how to work with tabular data. This will enable them to solve simple programmatic tasks as well as to get an idea of what the role of the programmer entails. After the course student will be able to discuss and reflect on challenges and opportunities derived from approaching the world through algorithms.

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This is an applied course on information security. The course focuses on in-depth penetration testing techniques, elements of cryptanalysis and digital forensics, ethical aspects of security and responsible disclosure.
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The course is a hands-on introduction to the tools that are necessary to design and develop physical artefacts.
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Understanding creative work as processes that take place within organizational and cultural settings under different kind of leadership and management, the course focuses on the simultaneously constraining and enabling ways these structures influence creativity and innovation. 

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In this course, the students learn how to evaluate, design and prototype products based on latest artificial intelligence technologies.
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This course provides an introduction into core concepts and applications of data science based approaches to geospatial data analysis.
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This is a hands-on course that teaches you how to prove that programs are correct. You will get in-depth experience with tools for this task, as well as an understanding of the theory behind them. This course thus equips you to pursue a career in writing safety-critical systems, or in pursuing higher studies in this area.
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Students attending this course will be able to implement core algorithms of Computer Graphics.
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Through this course, the students will learn about the aspects of game programming commonly involving artificial intelligence methods, which methods are used and how to implement them.
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Algorithmic problem solving is the art of designing algorithms to solve challenging programming problems. This requires extensive practice in classifying problems, choosing the right data structures, and identifying suitable algorithms. This is very different to a standard algorithm and data structure course, where the focus is on understanding the tools at hand, but not on using them to solve problems. This course bridges the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical solutions to computational problems.

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This course provides an introduction to the fundamental concepts of cryptography, the practice of protecting information and securing communication in computer systems. We start with classical encryption techniques, and consider modern private-key and public-key crypto systems and study their security against eavesdroppers or attackers, who tamper with network traffic. The course is aimed at students with a background in computer science or mathematics, and will include both theoretical and programming exercises. 

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This course offers a comprehensive exploration of service design and management, equipping students with essential processes, principles, methods, and tools. It focuses on the strategic design and management of services, including digital components, and draws on expertise from various disciplines within service design and management. Through lectures, in-depth case studies, and interactive hands-on exercises, students will examine the characteristics and dynamics of services and service ecosystems. The course aims to deepen students' understanding of how services can be effectively designed, managed, and implemented to deliver substantial value to users, providers, and other stakeholders.

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This course examines organizations in light of contemporary challenges with digitalization. It explores organizational perspectives on digitalization and cover theories that can help us better understand, and critically reflect upon, such profound challenges, while also offering hands-on approaches to managing them. Furthermore, it investigates questions of the changing nature of work, and themes such as leadership, management, and organizing in order to make students both knowledgeable about, and skilled in the practice of, and engaging with, digital transformation.

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The goal of this course is to equip students to understand how underlying technological and social infrastructures shape the digital economy.

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The course will teach students to analyse complexity within an empirical case that explores a current topic within the fields of science, technology, and innovation.

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